My name in game is Judah_Maccabee,
I want to make a complaint about the newly admin called Jaden. Around 22:00 pm (GMT+2) on 19.10.22, this admin perma mute me while two players in the game constant harrased me and used antishemties slogan against me. The admin in question never told them to stop, but when i talked back to defand mysalf he intervered for them. and when we cheased the arguement eventually, the player name "Stop talkining less raiding" started to call me Jewdah to trigger me and told Jaden to not speak to me because im Jew and Jaden kept being silant until i beg for him to say somthing. eventualy he got the easier way out, sided with the toxic and (strong) bully side and decided to stop this argument he will mute me permantly. This admin is incompetent, not to mention that he didnt once warned those two toxic before. Furthermore, Im playing this game for almost 4000 hours and never once got sanctioned by any means. I wish to be unmute and place sanctions against this Jaden.
Hi Judah_Maccabee,
I'll investigate the issue and take a look at the logs in the following days, then come back to you with a conclusion.
Hi and sorry for the delay.
Analyzing the logs below, everything seems to have started when you called your teammates "shit" and Lawrence_Sinclair wrote "cry more". Then you proceeded to teamhit on at least 3 separate occasions and teamkill Lawrence_Sinclair. The admin warns you to stop teamhitting, you continue, so you get kicked. At this point, Lawrence_Sinclair was clearly upset with you and so were other players. You called him "fag" and a "bitch", and you were very happy to have him teamkilled. At this point, you should have been temporary banned already, but Jaden wasn't on the server when it all started.
You didn't stop here. You continued to call him "loser", "bitch" and making insulting references to his mother. Meanwhile, Less_talking-more_raiding also joined the conversation, but, except misspelling your name, did nothing to insult you, he just told you you were being salty. You got warned again in admin chat at 18:27:48, yet you continued to insult Lawrence_Sinclair by calling him a "loser", his mother "ugly" and telling him to go back in his cave. The other players never insulted you, unless you count misspelling a name an insult.
The admin gave you plenty of chances to stop insulting people in the chat and you didn't stop. It's even worse since it all begun by you insulting your team, then teamhitting and teamkilling.
Our decision is that admin Jaden took the correct decision by muting you and you shall stay muted. You may create an unmute request
here where you might get unmuted, if you acknowledge your mistakes and promise you'll respect the server rules.
Logs from 19.10 below:
17:36:23 - 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair has joined the game with ID: 1917088
17:50:24 - Judah_Maccabee has joined the game with ID: 1458440
18:13:52 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] wtf is this shit team
18:13:58 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] im doing all alone
18:14:06 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] cry more
18:14:13 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 4 health.
18:14:20 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 2 health.
18:14:22 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 4 health.
18:14:35 - [Judah_Maccabee] hahah idiot
18:14:39 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 2 health.
18:14:40 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 3 health.
18:14:42 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 4 health.
18:14:45 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 3 health.
18:14:51 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 2 health.
18:14:56 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 6 health.
18:15:01 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 3 health.
18:15:06 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 2 health.
18:15:09 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 2 health.
18:15:12 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 3 health.
18:15:14 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 2 health.
18:15:15 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] judah tk
18:15:17 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] best teammate
18:15:18 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 3 health.
18:15:18 - Less_talking-more_raiding has joined the game with ID: 515759
18:15:21 - [Judah_Maccabee] cry bitch
18:15:22 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 3 health.
18:15:24 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] absolutely carrying
18:15:25 - [Judah_Maccabee] fucking nerd
18:15:29 - [Judah_Maccabee] go cry to mommy
18:15:29 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] oh hi jewda
18:15:29 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] so maad xD
18:15:34 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] hahaha cry fag
18:15:34 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] judah so mad
18:15:47 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] jewda salty again? damn. some things never change
18:15:53 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he is
18:15:54 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] hella ad
18:15:56 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] radiing i remmebr the last time you went cry
18:15:59 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] you little bitch
18:16:12 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 3 health.
18:16:12 - Jaden has joined the game with ID: 2082868 and has administrator rights.
18:16:15 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 2 health.
18:16:18 - Judah_Maccabee teamkilled 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair.
18:16:21 - [Judah_Maccabee] HAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA
18:16:24 - [Judah_Maccabee] DIE BITCH
18:16:25 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] xDD
18:16:27 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he is soo mad
18:16:31 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] i love it
18:16:37 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] troll judah
18:16:39 - *SPEC* [Less_talking-more_raiding] keep poking him
18:16:40 - *SPEC* [Jaden] did he kill you inteionally?
18:16:42 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he getting mad so bad
18:16:44 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] yes
18:16:46 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] yes he did
18:16:49 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] over a long time
18:16:55 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] he so mad its sad
18:16:56 - *Admin*[Jaden]: Do Not Team Hit
18:17:02 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he didnt team hit
18:17:05 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he team killed
18:17:13 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] over a long time
18:17:13 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] again?
18:17:16 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] yes
18:17:16 - [Jaden] he needs to teamhit before teamkilling
18:17:13 - [Judah_Maccabee] cry baby cru
18:17:17 - [Judah_Maccabee] go cry to mommy loser XD
18:17:33 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] jewda
18:17:39 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 4 health.
18:17:41 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 3 health.
18:17:41 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] he really salty
18:17:42 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he is again xDFDD
18:17:43 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 3 health.
18:17:44 - Judah_Maccabee teamhit 92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair 3 health.
18:17:44 - [SERVER]: Jaden Kicked Player Judah_Maccabee.
18:17:52 - Judah_Maccabee has joined the game with ID: 1458440
18:17:53 - *Admin*[Jaden]: Teamhitting
18:17:58 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] damn xD
18:18:02 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] jaden stfu
18:18:03 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] gg judah
18:18:06 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] carrying team
18:18:13 - *SPEC* [Jaden] if you hate him so bad fight him on the other eam
18:18:30 - [Judah_Maccabee] Jaden if you dont have friends try get some
18:18:41 - [Jaden] i like to be lonely thanks
18:18:43 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] he real salty
18:18:50 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] could mine that salt
18:19:05 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] istand next to him and he gets amd
18:19:08 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] mad
18:19:11 - [Judah_Maccabee] amd
18:19:13 - [Judah_Maccabee] amd
18:19:17 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] stroke there
18:19:19 - [Judah_Maccabee] i stand next to this bitch
18:19:22 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] hahahahaah
18:19:23 - [Judah_Maccabee] and this loser get mad
18:19:25 - [Judah_Maccabee] stroke to himn
18:19:38 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he team hitting again
18:19:40 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] xD
18:19:42 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] liar bitch
18:19:42 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] what a child
18:19:46 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] ahahahahaha
18:19:46 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] go cry
18:19:51 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he got killed again
18:19:53 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] carrying team
18:20:01 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] i carry ur mom to her bed
18:20:22 - [Judah_Maccabee] hahahahah this bitch died
18:20:24 - [Judah_Maccabee] LMAOOOOO
18:20:35 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] lol judah you play this server regulary?
18:20:42 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] i wanna see you again
18:20:51 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] yes?
18:21:16 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] judah trolling with the door xD
18:21:27 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] on spawn door
18:21:27 - [Judah_Maccabee] you sound like a baby bitch
18:21:28 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] jewda real salty
18:21:32 - [Judah_Maccabee] that get bullied in school
18:21:33 - [Judah_Maccabee] XD
18:21:40 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] im not in school anymore mate
18:21:50 - [Judah_Maccabee] ye you got bullied out loser
18:21:56 - [Judah_Maccabee] and mate call to ur ugly mom
18:21:59 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he is SO mad xD
18:22:08 - [Judah_Maccabee] from what bullying you lmaoooo
18:22:10 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] he so mad its sad
18:22:27 - [Judah_Maccabee] look at this fake he all shaky
18:22:31 - [Judah_Maccabee] his hands are shaky lmao
18:22:45 - [Judah_Maccabee] HE PROPABLY CRYING RIGHT NOW IRL lmao
18:22:52 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] holy shit
18:22:56 - [Judah_Maccabee] HOLY SHIT
18:22:57 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] triggering him is so easy
18:22:59 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] its astonishing
18:23:02 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] i kicked him once
18:23:04 - [Judah_Maccabee] triggering him is soeasy
18:23:05 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he is still mad
18:23:12 - [Judah_Maccabee] HAHAHAHAHAHA
18:23:15 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] thats a fitting name
18:23:16 - [Judah_Maccabee] LMAOOOOHE GOT BUEND BROOOO
18:23:19 - [Judah_Maccabee] HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA
18:23:22 - [Judah_Maccabee] BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
18:23:28 - [Judah_Maccabee] this is fucking fgold
18:23:43 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] him raging is real gold
18:23:44 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] judah ruining his day with me
18:23:52 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] i think its funny
18:24:43 - [Judah_Maccabee] LMAE HE IN RAGE
18:25:07 - [Judah_Maccabee] i laugh so hard irl
18:25:09 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] damn judah you still following me? it was jut one kick
18:25:43 - [Judah_Maccabee] omg he all shaky again
18:25:45 - [Judah_Maccabee] he in rage XDD
18:26:20 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] damn judah blocking like thhe real one who snitched on jesus
18:26:28 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] I AM BLOCKING YOU
18:26:30 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] BAHAHAHAAA
18:26:45 - [Judah_Maccabee] what you going to do aboit it?
18:27:19 - [Judah_Maccabee] oh no he in mental breakdonw
18:27:46 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] stfu cringe loser
18:27:48 - *Admin*[Jaden]: Judah and sinclauir cut it off would you, you're here to have fun and compete not to exchange insults and troll eachother.
18:27:49 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] xDD
18:27:57 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] he started
18:28:01 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] i finish
18:28:01 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] i stopped 5 minutes ago admin
18:28:09 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he is stilkl following me
18:28:11 - *SPEC* [Jaden] alright so all are finished?
18:28:13 - *SPEC* [Jaden] good
18:28:24 - [Judah_Maccabee] you cant just start and then go cry about getting bullied
18:30:01 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] dont start talkshit when you cry about it later
18:30:17 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] cool story bro
18:31:01 - [Judah_Maccabee] bro call to ur ugly mother not to me
18:31:13 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he still going xD
18:31:17 - [Jaden] stop it you too please
18:31:57 - [Judah_Maccabee] next time know your place.
18:36:21 - [Judah_Maccabee] sinclair fuck this team up
18:40:45 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] judah holding the enemy team off alone on the left
18:40:49 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] that is fucking glorious
18:46:08 - Defender Turkish_Woman opened a gate!
18:46:15 - *Admin*[Jaden]: Do Not Open Gate as Defender
18:46:32 - [Judah_Maccabee] oh now you warning huh jaden?
18:46:38 - [Jaden] i warned you before
18:46:43 - [Judah_Maccabee] no you didnt
18:46:47 - [Jaden] i said don't teamhit
18:46:50 - [Jaden] and yu did
18:46:49 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] jewda still being salty
18:47:02 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] jaden pls. we dont talk to jewda. we just talk about jewda
18:47:17 - [Judah_Maccabee] Jaden you see this toxic behavor?
18:47:21 - [Judah_Maccabee] or you ignore it?
18:47:22 - [Jaden] isee
18:47:23 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] not jewda. dont insult the jews
18:47:39 - [Judah_Maccabee] shut your mouth rading got it?
18:47:45 - [Judah_Maccabee] its ur last warning
18:47:46 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] so much salt
18:47:55 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] he is starting again
18:47:58 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] he so salty, you could fill an ocean with it
18:48:04 - [Judah_Maccabee] i wont say it again raiding
18:48:09 - [Judah_Maccabee] shut your fucking mouth or ban
18:48:09 - [Jaden] stop it raiding
18:48:19 - [Jaden] don't esclate
18:48:16 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] i dindu nuffins
18:48:31 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] the only one who escalates is him
18:48:35 - [Judah_Maccabee] raiding is loser that have no freinds and no life
18:48:37 - [Judah_Maccabee] he sad man
18:48:38 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] everyone can confirm
18:48:45 - [Judah_Maccabee] who is everyone?
18:48:45 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] omg raiding
18:48:49 - [Jaden] it's over both of you please
18:48:51 - [Jaden] i will mute
18:48:52 - [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] you activated him again
18:48:50 - [Judah_Maccabee] your imagonary friend?
18:49:04 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] i dindu nuffins
18:49:08 - [Judah_Maccabee] sincler why you dont go back to ur cave
18:49:08 - [Jaden] it's over
18:49:13 - [Judah_Maccabee] or ill make you cry again?
18:50:02 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] johnny sinclair is right
18:50:16 - *DEAD* [Judah_Maccabee] raiding no one care what you think
18:50:27 - [Judah_Maccabee] stay a loser in quiet pls
18:50:40 - *DEAD* [92nd_Rgl_Lawrence_Sinclair] damn judah chill
18:51:03 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] if you demand me to shut up about him, why dont you demand him to shut up about me too? am i expected to just take this?
18:51:16 - [Jaden] i was going to mute him
18:51:20 - [Jaden] next time he speaks shittlak
18:51:24 - [Jaden] shittalk*
18:51:28 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] haha yes
18:51:35 - [Less_talking-more_raiding] bestmin
18:52:49 - [Judah_Maccabee] stfu raiding
18:52:51 - [Judah_Maccabee] you liar
18:52:58 - [SERVER]: Jaden permanently muted Judah_Maccabee