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Full Version: 60th Regiment of Foot
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60th Regiment of Foot


The 60th is a new Regiment that has been formed with the old players of the since disbanded 24th Regiment of Foot, We are a kind community of players, and we welcome everyone from all backgrounds and all ages. Our men range between the ages of 14 - 38.

  More about us:

. Founded in June 2024

. AZW:R's biggest regiment

. Players from the US, South America, Europe and Asia

. Doing Regular NW events, and host Public AZW events

. 2 Detachments to choose from, Foot / Line infantry or Engineers and Artillery

Event Schedule:
Monday -
Tuesday - HLI Tuesday Line battle - 7pm UK
Wednesday -
Thursday - NW / AZW Training event - 8:30pm - UK
Friday - 1st Rhein Friday Siege event - 7pm - UK
Saturday - AZW Public PVE event - 8pm - UK
Sunday - 92nd Flag Spawning Line battle - 7pm UK

Any questions, then just message @[60th] MrRob
on discord

☆ Confusion to our Enemies ☆
I am a member of this regiment and can recommend it Angel There are a lot of people here that are pleasant to play with and willing to help you out if needed. Everything is well and clearly organized. Enlist to 60th Cool