Napoleonic Wars Public

Full Version: Real_Nutcase Unjustified Ban
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Server name: Eu Commander
Your in-game name: Hecker420
Your GUID: 1083173
Name of the admin: Real_Nutcase
When did it happen: 4:38 pm 11/25/24
What happened: I was trying to get real nutcases attention, not realizing he was dead. He then told me to stop spamming chat, so I did. I then went on to talk to some of the players and out of nowhere he starts telling me to stop being childish, when i'm not even talking to him. Next thing I know i'm banned for seemingly no apparent reason other than being "childish" which isn't a rule and I wasn't even being so.
Proof (screenshots, videos, witnesses, logs): No video or sc's, mr morgan, the person I was talking to, and BLM_Antifa are the ones I can remember off the top of my head that witnessed this. The lobby was full.
Additional comments:
Hello Hecker,

After reviewing the logs and talking to Real, I see the matter is settled, you were just temp banned after warn and kick, so all is good.
Logs also showed that other people were complaining about you, so maybe in the future stop writing in all caps, because it does look annoying and spammy.

Thank you for your feedback!