Your in-game name: Black_Lives_Matter
Your GUID:1593114
Your Steam URL:
Name of the admin: Sam
What happened: Consistently skipping or adding bots to Custom map 6.
When did this happen: 9:45 7/9/2020 CEST
Proof (Screenshot, witness, logs): SirLimey, 32nd regiment
Additional comments: Unfortunately, it seems my initial apology about my complaint on the 4/9/2020 was premature. This is at least the 3rd time that Sam has purposefully waited until custom map 6 to make alterations to the map/lineup. There are multiple complaints in chat requesting custom map 6. Three or so years ago, admins were not allowed to skip custom map 6 because it was unique and loved as much as it was hated. Could some clear guidelines please be given regarding this map? It really is disappointing to myself and some others when this map is skipped. While a community poll is one thing, consistently waiting to poll the events before custom map 6 frankly seems quite biased and inconsiderate of other players.
oh it seems i'm not the only one sam harrass or abuses with his admin perms. that's great
Update: It seems that the Custom map 6 was not skipped. However, I would ask that the chat logs be checked to see why I made this complaint. To put it briefly, multiple questions were asked regarding custom map 6 and there were some pleas not to skip it. The only individual that answered was not an admin but SirLimey who said "The next map is the cav map". I assumed he would know the map lineup better than I. Eventually, when the next map was changed to an event map, additional complaints were made in chat. I tried to speak directly to Sam, and his only reply was "This map has cav", which solidified my assumption. I don't quite know why Sam, nor any other admin would not have corrected the assumption earlier considering that this was an ongoing talking point for both rounds of the prior map. I honestly feel like I have been reasonable not only in my assumptions but also my conduct. I understand how time consuming it is to review the chat logs, but I think it's necessary to really have the proper context..
You can use the /map command to see what maps are next or in the queue to be played. I'm busy with real life at the moment (Having some trouble with getting set up for starting uni), so for a proper look into this and an offical reply will have to wait until at the very least tomorrow. Same goes for the other complaint, since Isaac replied here too. Aplogies for that but dealing with real life comes first.
I will take a look at this complaint in detail tomorrow morning and get back to you then, thanks for reporting it.
Dear Black_Lives_Matter/Pro_Traveler,
I am inviting other admins to jump in on the discussion. In the meanwhile this short statement will do in conveying my own reflection on the situation. Polls are launched and get accepted by the hundreds every week. I'm not sure why two polls started by me, ten minutes apart, inspired you to write a personal complaint. It seems to me this could've been avoided. As in filing a complaint against me will not prevent other players from polling their favorite maps shortly before custom map 6 (the cav map).
There were respectively ~130 people on the server at that time. I could not divide my attention between the spam rich chat and playing all the time. Something you might recognize from your time as admin. I relied on the polls to convey the player's wishes. We can hardly suppress polled maps being played during 1 map of the rotation, as we don't have the technical means to do that. It was not a special event, as you can tell we only played one round. It was suggested by a player by the way.
My final advice to you would be to keep on the lookout for cavalry styled M&B: WB - NW maps on the forums. So you might see them get accepted under a majority vote when you poll them.
I will certainly not stop looking.
Yours sincerely,
I have addressed that I have no issue with polls being launched by players, however I have noticed that you do wait for custom map 6 to launch polls for special events, this happened twice before. There is a difference between a player poll, and a poll assisted by an admin with admin messages. Again, my issue is not with polling in general, just with the timing of your special events (which I fully support).
It is interesting that you state a player requested the event, then state that you cannot divide your attention and therefore could not have seen all the questions and complaints. I know how quickly this type of thing can devolve into trying to attack the character of the opposing parties. I would like to avoid this and focus on the solution/clarification.
Ultimately, I think a discussion should be had regarding special events and custom map 6. I would also appreciate it if the outcome of that discussion/decision/guidline could be stated in a reply here. In retrospect, I think this is the fastest way to resolve this and eliminates the need to look through the chat since both parties would be clear on the matter moving forward.
P.S- Sam, any perceived wrongs are forgiven on my end. I understand this may change our interactions in game slightly but I'm confident we'll both remain civil.
A few mitigating factors will be placed in the future to avoid any confusion in regards to this, these will follow the following outlines:
1) A poll will be placed to gather if players want to do so. This will probably take form of a custom poll asking if players have the desire to do the said "event" or not. This is already in place, but will be further cemented it should be done.
2) If the poll fails; the event will not go fourth. If it passes, the senior admin will force poll the map he desires to be played next to cater to the event.
3) Ontop of this, the cav map will be force polled back into the rotation by the senior admin so it is played again after. Be it, I personally do not mind if the cav map is skipped - I mean it's been here for years now - but to the players desires it will be placed back in.
The scripts should currently support this, but I honestly can't remember in what way they add to the rotation after a force poll. It should play the cav map again, but anyhow the senior admin will check with /maps to see the list of maps, If it isn't there it will be added back in.
There was measures in place before, when admins could manually change maps, but this has changed now that polls add to the list and still continue the rotation itself. I think it's if you poll a map before the cav map, it will / should play that map polled then proceed with the cav map regardles. Force polls may change this, I'm not sure. I will have to test that. But anyway I digress; Sam isn't at fault given the guidelines there, as it was no longer necessary to allow cm6 specifically to play anymore in the guide. It must have been the way the map was put on that made the map skip, so this will be found out and we'll make sure any rotation map that is coming up after, is added back in after the event map is played. So either way, the map is played and not skipped to avoid anyone being annoyed their favourite map may have been skipped. This counts to all rotation maps, not just cm6.
Clear explanation and outcome. Consider this resolved.
Thanks Gretel, I appreciate it. There are quite a few (Myself included) die hard fans of cm6 and it would be a shame to skip this under normal circumstances.