Your in-game name: Medic04
Your GUID:2114338
Your Steam URL:
Name of the admin: Bluemoon
What happened: Slaying without checking on the situation
When did this happen: Evening, Around 7:15 pm CEST, 22/09/2020 | Map- Island Fortress custom map 15 | Attacking side
Proof (Screenshot, witness, logs): Admin 2Lr_Gem_Acker alongwith Mwata Kazembe and the arty user PerelManjora were there. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots or logs.
Additional comments: Hello, I was at the cannon with Admin Acker and Surgeon Mwata Kazembe and the cannoneer Perel Manjora. Player named MK was constantly trolling the arty by kicking Perel. He was slayed before. I saw him trying to kick Perel again who was using the cannon. I stepped in and kicked MK couple times to move him away from Perel. But, I was instantly slayed by Bluemoon who was using the mortar on the left side. My intention wasn't to teamhit or troll. I've maintained a clean record and didn't want it to get spoiled like this.

He should've checked with acker first before slaying me because acker knew I wasn't teamhitting. Please take appropriate actions.
Thank you for reading.
You'll need to wait until tomorrow for a proper answer on this.
Kicks don't show up in the logs, and since you don't have screenshots or anything, all I can do is try and peice together the facts by asking various people what they saw I'm afraid.
Quote:17:01:21 - [SERVER]: 2Lr_Gem_Acker Slayed Player MK.
17:01:23 - [Mwata_Kazembe] MK, stop trolling cannon
17:01:36 - *Admin*[2Lr_Gem_Acker]: for trolling the arty
17:01:44 - [Mwata_Kazembe] he's now trying on mortar
17:03:05 - [1stOJD_ABot_BADGIRL]: Acker, did you slay someone?
17:03:19 - [1stOJD_ABot_BADGIRL]: name?
17:03:20 - [BlueMoon]: name's MK in case it happens
17:03:24 - [2Lr_Gem_Acker]: MK
17:03:33 - [Mwata_Kazembe] acker, can you just ban mk
17:03:47 - [SERVER]: BlueMoon Slayed Player Medic04.
17:03:56 - *Admin*[BlueMoon]: Slain for teamhitting, cut it off
17:03:57 - [Medic04] wtf
17:03:58 - [Mwata_Kazembe] you killed the wrong person acker [meant to say BlueMoon maybe?
17:04:14 - [Medic04] he was trollin the cannon
17:04:19 - [Medic04] i was pushing him off
17:04:28 - [BlueMoon] u break the rules aswell
17:04:30 - [BlueMoon] by doing so
17:05:06 - MK is banned temporarily.
17:05:06 - [SERVER]: 2Lr_Gem_Acker Temporary Banned Player MK.
17:05:15 - *Admin*[2Lr_Gem_Acker]: for trolling the arty
Ok, so yes, the logs don't show kicking when it takes place. However, context of the situation appears to suggest that the offender MK had been teamhitting at the arty for several rounds before, which the admins online were acknowledging in internal admin chat. I believe that Medic04 was trying to help prevent the arty trolling; of course, it would have been better to simply continue to alert the admins as to MK's rule breaking, instead of teamhitting as well. I won't pass any more judgement on the situation, other than to say that admins should be careful to take in the context of what players are doing into consideration, and that players should try to avoid teamhitting the trolls and instead keep reporting them to online admins.
Yeah, I agree with you but kicking someone couple of times isn't worth a slay in my opinion especially when the action was justifiable. It's not that I was doing it consistently for a long time but that's fine now. I just wanted to bring it to your attention. Thank you for your time, much appreciated!
Alright, so I looked at what you said, the logs, and I then asked Acker and Bluemoon for what they saw during this.
As I understand this (Feel free to reply and correct me if something I'm saying is incorrect, as I said above, since kicks aren't recorded in the logs, all I can do is ask others for what they saw) MK was trolling the arty, he was then slain by Acker, what appears to happen next is that MK runs over to the arty again and you start kicking him BEFORE he can actually do anything to troll the arty again.
We've always operated on a policy that you can't teamhit/kick people if they are trolling you or others, in our view, it's still rule breaking and the most likely outcome is that both people are punished for it.
From the logs, we can see that both Acker and Bluemoon are aware of what's happening but MK had already recieved the punishment for his trolling, and you started kicking him before he could do it again. Thus, based on what information I have, I have to come to the conclusion that the slay, given to you by Bluemoon, was legitmate because you started kicking MK multiple times.
What I would have advised you to do in this situation is rather simply nothing, at least 2 admins were aware of the situation, the best thing for you to have done would've been to draw an admins attention so that once MK trolled again he could be temp banned right away.
This complaint will be considered unresolved for the time being so you can respond if you wish to say something or correct me, due to the situation of this complaint making getting all the facts rather difficult and relaying on the words of the people I've asked.
So, I was an arty unit waiting for my turn on the cannon in case anyone dies. He may have misjudged me because of the same uniform I don't know. As I said before, I kicked him two times only to get him away from the kickable distance not multiple times. I know I should've contacted admins and what I did was against the rules. But, the admin should've given a warning at least (again I know giving warning is just the admin being modest). I think he should've assessed the situation and discussed with Acker first before slaying me.
Hi Medic,
The reason you were straight slayed by me it's because the Server was already warned not to Teamhit (This also includes kicking your teammates) with purple chat by the admin Bad Girl 3 mins prior the punishment/Slay. And considering you were playing and did not join the server after Bad Girl's warning, I decided to issue a Slay hence the warning was recent. Here are the logs:
Quote:15:37:34 - Medic04 has joined the game with ID: 2114338
17:01:24 - *Admin*[1stOJD_ABot_BADGIRL]: Don't teamhit.
17:03:47 - [SERVER]: BlueMoon Slayed Player Medic04.
17:03:47 - *Admin*[2Lr_Gem_Acker]: stop the teamhitting
17:03:56 - *Admin*[BlueMoon]: Slain for teamhitting, cut it off
17:07:17 - Medic04 has left the game with ID: 2114338
I'll leave it to the Head Admins, just wanted to state my reason on the Slay.