Napoleonic Wars Public

Full Version: Sir Knight / Certified doctor - [150th]Rapez
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Reward: Sir Knight
Your in-game name: [150th]Rapez
Reason: Playing cav on cav maps every time


Reward: Certified Doctor
Your in-game name: [150th]Rapez
Reason: Well, when I'm not playing cav I'm tending the wounded Wink
+1 for doctor , always getting heals from rapez Big Grin
+1 For the the certified doctor too
Since both other players and I from my own experience can confirm you fulfill the requirements for both awards, you are hereby awarded the Certified Doctor and Sir Knight awards. You should be able to use the respective skins next time you log onto the server.

If you give us your name in discord you can receive the roles there as well.

- Karim
Thanks Karim! My discord is Rapez #9985