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Full Version: Unmute request - TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser
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Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser
Your GUID (optional):
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 18-03-2024
Reason for your ban: "Baiting and trolling"



Well, well, well, here we are three months later at roads end, and it seems this situation has ended in the mutual mute of both Marth and myself.

I will right off the bat make this very clear that the following Manifesto is specifically addressed to Bethrezen since I think his conclusion to this case is highly unprofessional and, for lack of a better word, "lazy". I truly don't mean this to be insulting so I apologize in advance if it comes off that way.

The reason I use the word "lazy" is that all of the quotes and citations provided by Bethrezen are completely taken out of context, and he COMPLETELY didn't address ANY of the specific claims made in the original post. I assume that this is because I objectively proved these to be lies with screenshots, so therefore he decided to ignore them. But then what does he do instead? He brings up random logs that have nothing to do with the original report and then COMPLETELY cuts out the logs from the players I was arguing with, leaving in only my comments, making it seem like I am just randomly insulting people. I DARE you, Mr. Bethrezen, put in the entire context, and all of those logs will seem a lot less unhinged.


Quote:"the player has made part of his everyday goal to bait, troll and insult other players."

First of all, you make the overall claim that the reason for my muting is "I have made it a daily goal to bait and insult other players", and then you, as stated above, provide a bunch of LOGS where the entire context is omitted. Now, since some of these logs are months old, I honestly don't remember the full context, but obviously, it paints a very dishonest picture to just put in my logs and completely leave out the opposing party that was EQUALLY insulting me back. So until you actually provide the full context, these are utterly irrelevant to the original assertion that I "Bait and randomly insult people".

I can more relevantly address the "Logs from recent days" since these are only a couple of days ago.

Let's start with the 15.03. As you can see, most of the comments in that thread are addressed to a player named "Biguel". Biguel is a player that I have been arguing back and forth with as he routinely starts fighting with me, calling me "Faggot" and "Wanting his sloppy seconds" alike. Once again, if you actually provide all of the logs, this would be obvious. There are also comments related to him later down in the thread. If you actually read the entire log, you will see that Biguel equally started my engagement with him and makes equally insulting remarks back to me, all of this is in good spirit. Cause I will ask you this: Has Biguel reported me? Has Biguel claimed I "Baited and Harassed him"? No? So why is this even brought up?

Another point is that as we all are aware, racism unfortunately runs rampant on this server as the MB Community seems to attract a very certain type of individual. So... Again... If you provided all of the logs, you would see that most of my insults such as "Degenerate" and "Low IQ" are directed at these people spamming the chat with racist rhetoric. Once again, sure, I will of course accept the correction if it is the policy of the server that it's not allowed to insult the racists back, but again to suggest that I "Troll and bait random innocent people" is just a lie, and you can even clue out this from some of the lines I say in the logs you provide, such as this: "Imagine being so dumb you think that 'Diversity' means 'Every country need to be the same'" and "You are a low IQ Racist". The context here was that a bunch of racists was as usually hating on Muslims and saying stuff like "They should be kicked out of Europe and they are destroying Western society, Diversity is killing the west etc.". I then fought back against these ideas, and sure, I insulted these people. But again to say that I "Baited and trolled and harassed innocent people" is just COMPLETELY false.

Furthermore, a quote that routinely comes up is me saying "Dave is a dirtbag". Dave and I are completely friendly with each other and greet each other when we log into the server. Once again, by leaving out the full logs, you are forgetting to address that Dave's in-game name is LITERALLY "Dirtbag_Dave" and the joke is I will routinely say "Well, he is a dirtbag after all" and stuff like this. I am not aware if Dave is part of the discord or the forum, but if you ask him he will immediately confirm that we are completely friendly with each other. 

This is why I decided to use the word "lazy" earlier, and again, my goal here is not to insult you Bethrezen but it is once again to show that you seem to just have randomly done a "CTRL+F" with my name in the logs and just copied and pasted everything I've said while COMPLETELY overlooking the fact that all the people I engaged with in the above contexts were either equally insulting me back or being completely okay with my behavior on friendly terms.

The same with the Player "Pipo" that also shows up in the logs you provided. Once again, I will ask: "Has Pipo reported me and claimed I harass him?" Nope, you just irrelevantly bring in his logs. Once again, I do banter back and forth with Pipo; we are friendly with each other, and even greet each other when we log on. He even makes jokes and talks with me routinely. Once again, the idea that I "Bait and troll him, and he is completely innocent" is just... A lie... there is no other word to describe it. This is the same with the "Autistic"-comment you can see in the logs you provided, if you actually read the logs, we were all calling each other "Autistic" and having a fun time... Once again... None of these people have reported me, so why are you even bringing this in Bethrezeen? At this point any "Friendly banter" I have with ANYONE will just be misrepresented as me "Harassing and trolling" since you don't provide the full logs.

I could probably go on and on, naming all of these people. Another player is Sista_Shekks that was brought up in the original report. Once again, I dare you. Ask Shekks yourself. Me and him/her will routinely make "Dumb Danes" and "Dumb Americans and Swedes" jokes, back and forth, but as Shekks will most certainly confirm themselves, all of these are made in good fun. Once again, I will point out the absurdity that you are basing your verdict on conversations with people THAT HAVEN'T REPORTED ME, and the conversations themselves being completely taken out of context.

Moving on to the 17.03 logs you posted, most of these logs provided are addressed to a player named "Hohenstein" that I was arguing with on that specific day, once again you are omitting ALL of the insults he made equally back at me somehow painting this weird picture that I randomly attacked Hohenstein. I EVEN HAVE A SCREENSHOT to prove this: I can even give you the timestamp for when this screenshot was taken so you can go to the logs. It is: 17-03 15:45

I HAD COMPLETELY IGNORED Hohenstein the entire day, and then he says "Marth Keep bullying ThirdCousin", Marth then says "Let's Bully him together", and Hohenstein responds "Yeah sure". SO PLEASE ADDRESS THIS Bethrezen, how can you claim that I am "Baiting" when Hohenstein is literally the one starting it up without me talking to him at all. I respect your title as an admin so I obviously assume you aren't lying on purpose, you have just been as I said earlier "lazy" and not actually looked into the entire context of all the logs you have provided. And I really urge you to be a bit more serious in your investigative work, especially when you decide to hand out such serious punishments as "Permanent mutes".

I will just, to further highlight this, state the following: that NONE of the people you bring up in this log have actually reported me? Pipo, Biguel, Dirtbag_Dave, and even all of the people mentioned in the original post, etc. you are just randomly dragging them in here, once again without the full context. I even proved that Marth and that other guy lied in the original post, which you oddly have completely skipped over and not addressed AT ALL. Even a person like Billy was proven by screenshots to be dishonest and lying about not baiting me into arguing with them. BUT EVEN THEN, as Billy themselves has admitted I have been leaving him alone since this report was filed, so you don't even have that leg to stand on.

So in conclusion to all of this, I have to say that your verdict is in my opinion unjustified. I have just established here that the idea that I "Bait innocent people and insult them without any reason DAILY" is a complete fabrication, and can be confirmed by the very majority of the people involved in the above logs.

But of course, I am going to be honest and admit to the things I've done. SURE, I do argue and type a lot in chat, and sure, I do use a lot of insults like "Degenerate" as seen in the logs above. If this is not acceptable (Even though I will once again reiterate that the people I argue with use equal insults back and equally bait me into debates), I am, of course, willing to accept this correction and tone down my use of insults like this. And even if this requires punishment, I would also be willing to accept a mute for a week or a month or something like that. But the idea to permanently mute me based on me arguing with people that don't actually have a problem with me nor have actually reported me THEMSELVES is utterly ridiculous. I will of course also direct your attention to the fact that several people in my mute request came into my defense and said "While Kaiser is argumentative and can be a dick, he shouldn't be muted as lively banter is what makes the chat fun". These people are namely Supereagle, Ronnie_Pickling, Rexy100, and GeneralDragos. This also just points out another absurdity that MORE people have supported me not being muted than people who have supported it happening, and the 2 people that supported me being muted were proven to lie with Screenshots, even to such an extent that one of them has been muted himself. The only person I can concede probably has some case to make against me is Billy, but like I said, I have been leaving him alone since the report was filed and he can have an apology if he so desires.

As a final point, I will address this weird term you use: "Bait." Let us, for a moment, even steelman your argument and hypothetically say that all I did was "bait" people. Do you not see the problem here? The term "bait" merely indicates that I would be "offering" people opportunities to argue with me by saying something provocative. But is "bait" forced? Are the people completely forced and have no choice but to start arguing with me? Would these people hypothetically not have free will and just ignore me? I, of course, assume you begin to realize the problem with using this term as an argument. The idea that even if I was "baiting," that this somehow FORCES people to start insulting me and argue with me, and at the end of the day, I am the guilty one for "baiting." Furthermore, even if I were to grant this hypothetical "baiting," it seems not to be disallowed anywhere in the rules. As the easy solution would be in this case just to completely ignore the "baiter." If someone decides to "take the bait," it is completely their own decision, and the idea to punish the one initiating the bait is utterly ludicrous. But even as I have established above, this isn't even the case in the majority of cases.

So please address these points, Bethrezen. How can you justify your claim that I make it a "daily goal to bait and troll" when NONE of the people you mention in the copied logs has actually claimed this and reported me on the forum? And half of the logs you provide can be CONFIRMED to be in good fun spirit by the people involved, and the other ones who aren't are not "baited" as proved by a screenshot as an example. And can be further confirmed if you actually provided the full logs.

I would of course also expect a third part to come in and handle this case, as it is natural that Bethrezen of course would not admit to these faults in his own ruling, as it's a very natural human response to double down and not admit one's own faults. I think we all would do this even myself, of course, so this is not meant as an "insult" to Bethrezen.

I will of course once again ALSO reiterate that all of this is not to say that I am completely innocent. As I said: Sure, I argue a lot, sure, I use insults. And if this is not acceptable I will of course accept the correction, apologize and tone it down, and even accept a mute for a week or month or so if this is so desired. But as I've said I have never been warned about this from any admin ever, and the idea that the immediate response is a permanent mute, even given the full context I have provided above that no one, except two people that were proven to lie, has actually reported me, is in my opinion very unjustified.

Yours Truly

SIDENOTE: As a general side note, to the entire administration, that is not specifically related to my case. The practice that "Permanent" Mutes and Bans seem to be the default go-to punishment seems very excessive and extremely over proportional. As in real life, we don't just throw people in jail for the rest of their lives for committing a single crime. The idea that you PERMANENTLY ban/mute people for their first offense is, as I said, very excessive and I hope you as an admin team re-evaluate this practice. Of course, if a person has been banned/muted before and they don't alter their behavior and continue, a perm mute/ban should be more tolerable.
Hello TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser,

Yesterday, I spent more than 3 hours of my own time just to go through your hundreds of lines of chat, chosen from random days when you were active on the server, and to create the reply. I saw the context in which you insulted, baited and trolled, and I'm not going to copy-paste here hundreds of lines of text just to make a point towards a troll. You made a purpose in joining Minisiege in trolling the chat, and it shows every single random day I've checked, at least this year. It's an issue you yourself have created and which you could have been easily avoided, yet you didn't / couldn't? stop, even after the mute requested on your name was created. This fact, for me, is a red flag from the start.

I'll just leave here your own testimony, from two different days - you probably bragged about this more than on these two occasions. You're even using the words "bait" and "baiter" you're now trying to "philosophize" about.

22:55:31 - [TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser] i always trigger everyone in here and they bitch out in chat. its hilarious

19:17:57 - [TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser] I am a baiter i can agree to that
19:18:28 - [TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser] No i bait people cause its fun to see you people go unhinged

The permanent mutes and permanent bans are called this way because they can't be removed without a request, an explanation, and an apology from the player. They do not normally expire (the Christmas unban is an exception). In order to be removed (which is usually done just once), the player has to convince the issue will not happen again.

Your request is rejected, and the main reason for that is because you're trying to justify yourself. Which means it will happen again if the mute would be removed, and would signify that we acknowledge you're innocent. Please note that unless you fully realise what you were doing is not ok, and you don't apologise for it, the mute won't be removed.
You may try again in 2 weeks. I recommend using this time to read the server rules located here.
Quote:"I would, of course, also expect a third party to come in and handle this case, as it is natural that Bethrezen, of course, would not admit to these faults in his own ruling, as it's a very natural human response to double down and not admit one's own faults."

I am really not trying to "Debate" you, Bethrezen, but this is unfortunately why I HAD to include the above quote. I am not aware of the admin structure on this server, but surely there must be other admins? The idea that you are the one ruling on a case that is revolving around YOU making a mistake in your own original ruling doesn't seem to adhere to the concept of "Checks and balances".

You completely didn't address any of my original points, namely that you can go and ask ALL of the people involved in these threads. Go ask Sista_Shekss, Go ask Dirtbag_Dave, Go ask Pipo, Go ask Ronnie_Pickling, Go ask Supereagle1, Go Ask GeneralDragos, Go as Biguel and his friend (I forget the friend's name, I think it was Robbie or Robert or something, with a regiment tag), Go ask Rexy100. All of these people that I supposedly "bait and harass" will all admit that muting me is unwarranted and none of these people have, once again, actually reported me themselves. Please don't just ignore this point again, DIRECTLY ADDRESS IT: How do YOU justify the claim that I "bait and insult innocent people daily" when none of these "People" themselves have claimed this? And again to the other points, I literally provided a screenshot PROVING that Hohenstein was the one "baiting" as you said, and once again the majority of the "Degenerate LOW IQ" comments were made towards actual racists hating on Turks/Muslims. Once again you just completely didn't respond to this point.

Quote:"Please note that unless you fully realize what you were doing is not ok, and you don't apologize for it, the mute won't be removed."

Once again, this is why I insist on a hopefully unbiased third party reviewing this. Because your mindset seems to currently be "IMPOSSIBLE that I made any mistakes or overlooks in my original ruling and KAISER HAS TO BE GUILTY" But you are not.... Listening .. and completely ignoring it when I bring up irrefutable evidence that your "Verdict" is based on false premises. Again all of the many many people named above can confirm.

The problem mainly seems to lie in the fact that you yourself aren't actually an active player on the server, which of course there is nothing wrong with, but as pointed out this makes you completely overlook the context for all the above logs when you just do a "CTRL+F" on my name. And I have to say it again since you keep not addressing it: NONE OF THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES actually has a problem with this Sista_Shekss, Dirtbag_Dave, Pipo, Ronnie_Pickling, Supereagle1, GeneralDragos, Biguel and his friend and Rexy100.

You then also claim that I don't apologize or will alter my behavior??? Here:
Quote:Your request is rejected, and the main reason for that is because you're trying to justify yourself. Which means it will happen again

Im not sure how you draw this conclsion and connect this from A to B? especially since: 

Quote:"I will of course once again ALSO reiterate that all of this is not to say that I am completely innocent. As I said: Sure, I argue a lot, sure, I use insults. And if this is not acceptable I will of course accept the correction, apologize and tone it down, and even accept a mute for a week or month or so if this is so desired."

I know I have a habit of writing long messages, and I apologize if that makes it a bit easy to overlook? But I literally stated this twice?

ONCE AGAIN I WILL REITERATE. The current point of my "Thread" is to indicate that you made a mistake in your initial ruling by not entirely going through the context or actually listening to any of the witnesses. Therefore the premise you are working off of is flawed and I can't apologize for something that isn't true. As much as I would want to.

An analogy would be if you had convicted me of robbing someone like let's say DirtBag_Dave or Sista_Shekks or Supereagle or Rexy100 or whoever for instance, I would then show up to court with all these people and they would say something like "Oh no he didn't rob us, he just borrowed 10$, which is a little annoying that he borrows money from us, but not a problem in the big picture and we dont want him punished." In response to this you would just completely ignore this and say " I don't care I still want you to apologize for robbing people". Do you kinda not see the problem in this analogy? I can't really apologize for a premise that is flawed to begin with. All I can do is say "Okay if it is so desired that I stop borrowing money from other players, even though they don't mind, I will stop this".

Also as I said, the only person that has actually reported me and that had any valid reason to do so was Billy. I literally said that I had left this person alone, they even admitted this themselves:
Quote:"@GeneralDragos Kaiser has toned down his behavior ever since this report was created"

.... So I need to repeat this in the hope that you will not just ignore it again. THE ONLY PERSON with a valid reason to report me on the forum has admitted that I've been leaving them alone, and I offered an apology to them in the previous post.

So once again I of course fear that you very unfortunately will just double down again, completely ignore all the points raised here and just say "Nah, my verdict was right I don't care, you are guilty, apologize" And I even unfortunately expect that I might be hurting my own case in YOUR eyes, which might even have bad consequences for myself. But alas, I need to go down fighting corruption and unfair treatment from admins that can't admit to own oversights. In the faint hope that I will become a martyr in the future fight for justice and a better world for everyone, so that people may not be innocently convicted of crimes.

I once again implore you to remove the "Rejected" from this title and actually take my arguments seriously and ADDRESS THEM. And other than that, I must also insist on a third party handling this case, as the current topic of the debate is that your initial verdict was based on false premises. ONCE AGAIN CONFIRMED BY ALL THE PEOPLE INVOLVED AND THE FULL LOGS. AND THE FACT THAT I LITERALLY APOLOGIZED AND SAID I WOULD TONE DOWN THE INSULTS.

You end your message with this:

Quote:I recommend using this time to read the server rules located here.
AGAIN, the only possible rule you are making an argument for is the following rule: "Harassing other players or regiments." But then when I prove to you that all of the people above don't claim that I harass them, except one person that I have left alone AND OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE OPEN RACISTS. I even prove that an individual as Hohenstein and Marth even "Start" the harassment themselves. I know I have repeated this a lot of times now, but I must repeat it again as it seems you just keep avoiding it. Once again what rules explicitly prohibits: "Debating a lot in chat and being a bit provocative but not to a point that any of the people involved actually mind, and even say so themselves and freely banter back at me" Or in other words, as you put it "Baiting." This isn't even stated in the rules anywhere. But as stated thrice now, I will stop this if it is desired, but you can't make the claim for a permanent mute when this isn't even a rule as you claim. ESPECIALLY when the people themselves dont claim to be "Harassed".

It even states at the end of the rules: 

Quote:If you feel you have been punished wrongly, please post an unban request OR a complaint in the appropriate forum here.

So consider this my "complaint" and don't just COMPLETELY avoid and dismiss all the proof provided and just assert that the original ruling was correct. The entire point of a "complaint" is to critically REEVALUATE the original verdict, and not just assume from the get-go that the verdict was correct and that the burden is on me to apologize, and for you to ENTIRELY ignore the points raised.

I am sympathetic towards you, as I would probably be very stubborn and just hold onto my initial ruling as a fear that "Making a mistake" might make me look bad. But I completely wouldn't fault you for this, we all make mistakes, that isn't the problem, the problem is not admitting to your mistakes. As a wise man once said.

Yours truly, 
I am just going to drop in real quick to add that complicated issues such as this one are always subject to debate among admins before being decided on, this means that we have looked at individual situations *with* context and come to the conclusion that you (but this goes for the other mute as well) are frequently using toxic forms of communication, creating situations in which (irregardless of whatever history you may have with the people involved) the level of discussion in chat is lowered to a level that require admin attention.

Being a minisiege admin for a while I am well aware that there is a lot of banter and shittalk on the server, but there is also a fine line where it goes from being funny to being genuinely dreadful and unenjoyable, taking away from the servers charm rather than adding to it. From the logs that I have looked at myself (which was quite a bit, but not as much as Beth, I am amazed at his dedication here), it is evident that of all the variables in those situations, your contributions to it are one of the leading causes that cause these incidents to arise. You continously try to engage with people that you have issues with to provoke a reaction and drag them down to a level that is beyond acceptable even for Minisiege, leaving it to the admin team to figure out in the aftermath what the hell was going on, which cost a frankly unreasonable amount of time and effort due to the sheer amount of such interactions recorded. It is clear from all these logs that you actively seek reactions and are willing to say whatever you want, regardless of how offensive or crude, to receive them and will endlessly and tirelessly keep engaging in whatever situations you've created until you log off. That alone justifies a mute, which isn't a legal decision made strictly according to laws set in stone, but subject to a certain level of discretion. You being unwilling to admit even a little bit of fault on your side in this whole situation is, as Beth explained, the reason why your request was denied and trying to further lawyer out your way out of accepting any blame is not going help your case now or in the future.
I do respect Karim's input since he is an admin that is regularly playing, he will have a more "on the ground" perspective. However, I am not sure why you and Beth keep repeating the following line:

Quote:"You being unwilling to admit even a little bit of fault on your side in this whole situation is, as Beth explained, the reason why your request was denied."

I am genuinely confused why you are saying this? Since these are from my previous posts:

Quote:"I will of course once again ALSO reiterate that all of this is not to say that I am completely innocent. As I said: Sure, I argue a lot, sure, I use insults. And if this is not acceptable I will of course accept the correction, apologize and tone it down, and even accept a mute for a week or month or so if this is so desired."

Quote:"Once again, sure, I will of course accept the correction if it is the policy of the server that it's not allowed to insult."

Quote:"I acknowledge my active participation in chat and confrontations."

Quote:"THE ONLY PERSON with a valid reason to report me on the forum has admitted that I've been leaving them alone, and I offered an apology to them in the previous post."

This would now be the 5th time I would acknowledge that and say I would correct my behavior and even accept a couple of weeks mute out of principle. I am genuinely not trying to be rude, but please stop repeating the idea that I don't "Admit even a little bit of fault" when it is objectively not the case.

I even played this evening and Dirtbag_Dave, who was the guy mentioned in the 15.03 logs used to justify my mute, was online and was completely surprised about my mute: ... Again you are unfortunatly backed into a corner here, there is just no way you can keep doubling down and keep my mute partly based on "harassing" this man.

I even have from the other claims: This is the guy that I was supposedly portrayed as being "homophobic towards" and here is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM HIM: "his claim that Kaiser is a homophobe is utterly hilarious, I know him very well and his worldview, what he said was not offensive at all and just 'silly' jokes."

I GUARANTEE you that I will be able to get similar admission from Biguel, Pipo, Shekss, Stitch, etc. who are all the other people mentioned in the logs used to justify my mute. It is just a matter of time. And unfortunately, it will just make your stubbornness to refuse to admit that you made a mistake in claiming I "bait and harass" these particular "innocent" people "Relentlessly" seem more silly as I collect these screenshots over time. And I think this would just be a waste of time for the both of us. And hurt the integrity of the administration unfortunately.

Once again like I asked Beth in the other post: Go ask Sista_Shekss, Go ask Dirtbag_Dave, Go ask Pipo, Go ask Ronnie_Pickling, Go ask Supereagle1, Go Ask GeneralDragos, Go as Biguel and his friend, Go ask Rexy100. All of these are the people from the logs that I supposedly "bait and harass". They will all admit that muting me is unwarranted and none of these people have, once again, actually reported me themselves. Please don't just ignore this point again, DIRECTLY ADDRESS IT: How do YOU justify the claim that I "bait and insult innocent people daily" when none of these "People" themselves have claimed this?

This is the pattern that repeats itself throughout most of the logs. While I of course don't deny using the harsh language, I REFUSE the portrayal that those were being directed towards innocent people. WHEN THEY DENY THIS THEMSELVES. Once again this is the context that is completely lost if you just do a CTRL+F on my name.

I also remember a couple of days ago, Karim, when you were online and a bunch of people were saying stuff like 'HEY MARTH AND THIRDCOUSIN, START FIGHTING,' and I said something like 'Why can I be accused of toxicity in chat, yet it seems you actually enjoy me and Marth fighting?' and they said "Its just fun" I think you would be able to remember this if you are being honest, the exact wording might not be correct, but the interaction went something like that.

Obviously the case you can make is that it is unpleasant for OTHER players to have to view arguments with me and other people. Of course, this would have to be true and I can't deny this, and like I have admitted 5 times now, if it is the administration's ruling that they don't want to see harsh words used in chat, as this can be unpleasant for third parties. Even though I must admit there is evidently a lack of these "third-parties" claiming this except for 2 people, one of whom can't really be taken seriously since he has been muted himself for the same behaviour.

I will apologize and correct for this. But I have already admitted this 5 times. And that wasn't the original claim. But I just can't apologize for the other part that just is not true, namely being the part that I "Harassed and baited" the people mentioned in the above logs. Why would it make sense for me to apologize to someone like "Dirtbag_Dave" and Biguel and all the other people involved in the LOGS when they LITERALLY say they have no problem with me? Please explain this? This is the only part i am refusing to admit fault to, and you keep not admitting you made a mistake in claiming that

Again the two major people I have arguments with that aren't "In fun-spirit" are Hohenstein and Marth. There is no way to deny this, and I won't. But as Marth has been muted himself it seems obvious to be the case that me and Marth are equally being shitty towards each other. And again Hohenstein had not been playing for months and I proved by a screenshot that he literally said "Let's start to bully ThirdCousin." Again if you post the entire logs I was routinely trying to ignore him and he restarted the arguments. This is not me admitting I am innocent, I could have just ignored him. Yes. And I will have to do this in the future. But again, the claim that I somehow uniquely "Started" "Baiting" "And dragging" that one argument is once again, just objectively false.

But I really implore the administration to also reevaluate their own mistakes in claiming I harass people I don't... Again... Proven by screenshots and you can ask these people themselves. While this is not me trying to "avoid" responsibility, it is merely trying to give an objective overview of the situation. It seems an investigation has rightfully been triggered around me considering I have had a few "BIG" offensive debates with Hohenstein and Marth and some other people, and then during this investigation a CTRL+F was done on me, and now EVERY FRIENDLY SHITTALK I have had with PEOPLE THAT CONFIRM THIS has now just been labeled as "harassment" "Trolling". This is unfortunately why I point out the context is completely missing. And... You guessed it, has been objectively established through screenshots and the people involved. Please go ask them.

but again, I can't say more than I have already said. I can't apologize for harassing people that THEMSELVES say they aren't harassed. All I can apologize for is often clogging up the chat with shittalk, I can of course also admit that I should just avoid people such as Hohenstein and Marth, and tone down my use of insults when I debate other people, as this can be annoying to other people that watch the chat. This is unfortunately all that can be done, as much as I would want to, I just can't apologize for other things that aren't true.

As a final point, could I perhaps ask both of you to explain this EXACT POINT: What is necessarily wrong with "arguing and baiting" people if they themselves are okay with it? I am genuinely curious; I am not trying to be silly, and your explanation could probably clear it up.

Karim states the following:

Quote:you actively seek reactions and are willing to say whatever you want, regardless of how offensive or crude, to receive them and will endlessly and tirelessly keep engaging in whatever situations you've created

If you actually break down that statement, what is actually wrong here? Of course, except for the "offensive and crude" part, which I have acknowledged and am willing to correct. What is actually wrong with the other statement? "Keep engaging in situations I create?" Once again, if I start some debate in the chat and other players choose to debate me on this AND ADMIT THEY ENJOY IT AND ACTIVELY SAY THEY DONT WANT ME MUTED, what is necessarily wrong here? I remember, for instance, an example a couple of days ago where we were having a vegan debate. Admittedly, I fueled and baited this debate, but once again, if we consider the part with "offensive and crude" to be intolerable, what is the problem with creating the "situations"? I am generally looking for an answer.

But for instance, let's take the example with Dirtbag_Dave:

I would say something like: "You sure are a dirtbag moron." And usually, Dave would joke back with something like "You are a rapist" (This is just an example of something I remember we have said to each other).

Now as silly as it might be, what is the exact problem in this scenario? Sure, I admit to "seeking" the banter and I do admit to being "offensive and crude". I call him a moron dirtbag, he calls me a rapist. We both laugh, have fun, don't have ANY problem with each other, and we move on. Again, the only possible explanation I can come to is that it is unpleasant for third-party players having to watch two people call each other morons and rapists... Admittedly, this might be a bit cringe. But to claim that I "harassed" Dave and "dragged him down" in this scenario is just wrong, and to portray it like I am doing this to "innocent people"... Is ... Well, I don't think I need to repeat it... But.. false. I, of course, completely acknowledge that this behavior would be intolerable IF IT WAS THE CASE that Dave did not want to talk to me and I was "harassing" and "forcing" him into this conversation. But alas... As you probably are getting tired of hearing, the majority of people in the logs admit that they enjoyed the shittalking back and forth.

I, of course, don't pretend to claim that all of my interactions are like this. Once again, I do admit to being hostile to Marth, Hohenstein, and many of the "Turk"-haters, and also Billy in the past. But as I have proven, pretty much the majority of the logs provided follow the above formula. Of course, they often go on for more lines, but again, you can watch the logs with Biguel and he will admit we were just joking. So again to summarize the question: What is necessarily the problem with "seeking" and "baiting" if the people I argue with admit to enjoying the banter and not wanting me muted? As stated, the only possible explanation is that "It is annoying to watch for other players", which, as I've said, is acceptable if the admins rule this and I will apologize and tolerate for this. But you just can't get away with accusing me of "relentlessly harassing innocent people" and "Forcing situations they dont want to be a part of".

Since this behavior wouldn't explicitly be outlawed in the rules, it can make it a bit unfair for me to navigate when, Karim, you yourself admit that:

Quote:isn't a legal decision made strictly according to laws set in stone, but subject to a certain level of discretion

It can, as stated, be a bit unfair for me to navigate a rule that you yourself admit is not actually 'set in stone' and something i have never been warned about, even though you claim to have witnessed it multiple times. And that you and Beth yourself seem to not even have the clear overview over, about what the context of the logs even were in the majority of cases. I know I repeat myself a lot, but this is simply because you haven't actually addressed this KEY part of the whole situation, even though I've kindly asked for it 3 times now. So please, I urge you to actually address this and not just dismiss it saying that I am "Lawyering out" and then just completely ignore it. I will even copy-paste it in here again.

All of these people that I supposedly "bait and harass" will all admit that muting me is unwarranted and none of these people have, once again, actually reported me themselves. Please don't just ignore this point again, DIRECTLY ADDRESS IT: How do YOU justify the claim that I "bait and insult innocent people daily" when none of these "People" themselves have claimed this? And openly admit they enjoy the shittalking back and forth, except for a few people that I have admitted fault to and to wanting to leave alone?

Yours Truly, 

As promised, here is the guaranteed selection of evidence from individuals whom you claim I "relentlessly harass."

Some of these people are even the ones DIRECTLY from the logs used to justify my mute, supposedly that i "harass".

It's important to note that since I am muted, I am unable to request these testimonies myself. These are the people's own spontaneous reactions upon learning of my mute. If I actually had the ability to ask people, oh boy, that list would be MUCH longer. As time goes by, this collection of testimonies will only grow larger, and your stubbornness will only dig you deeper.

I couldn't express it better myself, so I'll let Mr. DeNiro explain your current stance:

Until now, Bethrezeen, I've been very nice to you, despite the situation. I've calmly and meticulously attempted to explain the reality of the situation to you. However, it's becoming utterly ridiculous that you've now resorted to ignoring my posts, presumably because you realize you have NOTHING substantial left to support your initial verdict.

You literally have NOTHING left to back up your claim that I "relentlessly troll and harass people daily and ruin their fun." 
Even my sworn nemesis Hohenstein, with whom I've had significant disagreements used to justify my mute, is now proclaiming the absurdity of my mute: Do you comprehend this now? NONE of the individuals you've muted me for "harassing and trolling" have actually claimed to be harassed or requested my mute, to the contrary, they actively oppose it.

I'll be charitable and give you the benefit of the doubt, hoping that your decision to ignore my posts is because you might not have revisited the thread since "rejecting" it. I sincerely hope this is the case because the alternative being that you are ignoring my posts out of self-consciousness of your understandable mistake, would be very very unfortunate. As the head admin, this behavior would simply be unacceptable. But again i of course hopefully assume this is not the case.

You've muted me based on a mainly troll report that was PROVEN largely fabricated. Marth, one of the main accusers, accused me among other things of being homophobic towards people, a claim the person mentioned himself refuted, same goes for the other claims.  Moreover, Marth is notorious for using derogatory language and telling, in his words, "Faggots" to "Kill Themselves" OBVIOUSLY this man does not give a flying heck about "Homophobia", he was just making up nonsense accusations to have me muted, based on his own childish grudges. All of this was explained in my original manifesto. I urge you to reread it, if that would help.

Nevertheless, I appreciate your diligence in investigating the matter as an admin nontheless. However, it appears you merely performed a cursory search of the logs utilizing "CTRL+F" without understanding their context.

And since you dont even play on the server yourself, i can COMPLETELY understand why you might have been unaware of the reality of those logs and just thought to yourself: "Okay it sure does seem like this guy ThirdCousin is harassing a lot of players and ruining their fun".

Given that you don't play on the server yourself, and have no idea about who i am and what the situation was, I can understand this oversight. yet, when all involved parties refute the accusations and bombard you with screenshots and witness testimonies, the people are literally crying out: "NO BETHREZEEN! HE IS NOT HARASSING US, DONT MUTE HIM, I REPEAT DONT MUTE HIM! ITS JUST FRIENDLY SHITTALK FUN". you continue to ignore them, unwilling to admit your mistake.

Let's be clear: you have NO evidence left.

1. You can't claim I harass or ruin others' fun, as I honestly challenge you to find a SINGLE person from the recent logs, you used to justify my mute, who actually feels this way and believes I should remain muted permanently. Even Billy admitted I've left them alone. 

2. You can't argue that I refuse to acknowledge my behavior—I've done so six times. I've even expressed willingness to tone down my behavior at your request and end my feud with Marth and Hohenstein.

3. You can't even assert that I've broken any rules, as another admin has admitted this and i have NEVER even recieved a warning from any admin.

ALL YOU HAVE is a single quote of me jokingly saying, "Yeah, I like to bait," as if that somehow invalidates everything I've stated above.

Once again, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you may need time to reconsider. But please, for the sake of reason, end this nonsense and unmute me. At the very least, when you do respond to this, at least MAKE AN ATTEMPT to address any of the points I've raised, instead of just COMPLETELY ignoring them. Unfortunately, doing so does nothing but demonstrate that you have no answers. Just ignoring me will not make you unaccountable, and you will not get away with this; justice will be served in this world or the next. Ignoring me won't make this problem go away. So this will be the 4th time i ask: ACTUALLY ADRESS THESE POINTS, instead of completely avoiding accountability and just saying: "You are lawyering out bro lol," "U trolling bro lol, i need no respond lololol" "U just philosophizing lololol xdxdxd rofl, imma just not respond"

Once again, I'll summarize: You muted me based on a report where the majority of the claims were proven to be insincere, and one person even admitted that I had toned down and left them alone. Despite this, you still investigated, which I applaud as very sincere admin work, and I respect you for your other efforts in keeping this server running. However, after looking through the logs, you concluded that I harass a lot of people, which might be an understandable conclusion lacking context. BUT THEN, WHEN THESE PEOPLE STEP FORWARD and tell you: "No, he does not harass us. None of us have actually requested a mute based on our conversations with him. In fact, we actively oppose it"  You just completly ignore that. Despite this, I still admit to being willing to tone down my behavior at your request.

In response to all of this, you simply decide to ignore the entire post, hoping for this to go away. Furthermore, you claim I don't admit anything despite doing so 6 times now.

Behold the radiant sword of TRUTH, forged in the fires of resolve and tempered by the winds of wisdom. Let it be whispered among the stars and etched into the annals of time: those who dare to embrace the shadows of deceit and falsehoods shall find themselves cast aside by the relentless fury of its righteous blade.
(DISCLAIMER: This is a metaphor, and I do not advocate literal violence with swords)

Yours sincerely,