Okay nice I log in today on siege and find out I can't type anything in chat and have no what I've done to be given a mute in chat. calling some Turks fags are not bad. yet another abuse on me last week got it from sam making a false fucking warn about me doing nothing about private information and threatened to ban me and today been muted and not told why and who by.
Seems to be a little problem within your Admin team it seems.
get a Fucking grip of yourself and stop abusing me with random shit.
Still never got a reply on why sam randomly so-called "WARNED ME"
Hi Isaac,
Since you didn't bother to fill in the admin complaint template, I may only presume you were the player named "Betty" I muted several days ago.
Regarding the issue of your in-game muting, there are two things you did that made me come to the conclusion that the only reason you've joined Minisiege on that day was to disrupt the game and ruin the fun for lots of other players present on the server at that time. And these are:
1. Spamming the chat, insulting players, writing bigoted, extremist and racist remarks (for ~1h and 20 mins)
Quote:11:56:30 - [Betty] wht a fag
12:02:20 - [Betty] what a faggot
12:02:28 - [Betty] stupid turks
12:02:53 - [Betty] turks are simps
12:02:54 - [Betty] and retards
12:03:11 - [Betty] turks simps
12:03:26 - [Betty] turks are gay also
12:04:07 - [Betty] turks are fags
12:04:37 - [Betty] turks are fags
12:05:30 - [Betty] Turks are low life scum
12:06:00 - [Betty] turks are third world trash
12:09:46 - [Betty] turks are scum
12:11:01 - [Betty] turks are the most hated scum
12:14:08 - [Betty] turks are fags
12:17:39 - [Betty] turks are retards
12:19:06 - [Betty] no turks are good.
12:19:47 - [Betty] bomb a turk
12:23:49 - [Betty] turks are fags
12:36:37 - [Betty] shit map like the turks
12:37:08 - [Betty] turks eeew
12:38:12 - [Betty] turks are low life kebab scum
12:39:04 - [Betty] turks are low life scum
12:39:09 - [Betty] we should nuke turky
12:40:08 - [Betty] i smell shitty turks burning
12:40:58 - [Betty] country is still a shit hole
12:41:02 - [Betty] which makes you turks a shit hole
12:41:09 - [Betty] so either way ur still a shit hole
12:59:47 - [Betty] stupid turk teamhitting
12:59:57 - [Betty] fag peopel
13:04:24 - [Betty] what a fag
13:04:33 - [Betty] turks usless people
13:05:08 - [Betty] useless people
13:05:11 - [Betty] turks are
13:05:38 - [Betty] turks are shit
13:05:58 - [Betty] u wish my mother fucked u turks
13:07:07 - *DEAD* [Betty] turks need to join isis do something useful
13:07:21 - [Betty] turks join isis blow your self up that's useful
13:09:40 - [Betty] imagine being turkish thinking u mean anything
13:10:16 - [Betty] blacklives don't matter
13:13:23 - [Betty] turks should be gassed
13:13:58 - [Betty] remove kebab
13:14:53 - [Betty] kebab talk
13:15:02 - [Betty] looks like shit on the screen
13:16:08 - [Betty] turks
13:16:10 - [Betty] are fags
13:16:13 - [Betty] no one cares about ur life
13:16:20 - [Betty] useless turks
13:17:07 - [Betty] turks are fags
2. Bragging about it on our Discord:
![[Image: XmA5GTm.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/XmA5GTm.jpg)
According to our server rules located
here, and specifically to the very first rule from the list, "Racism & Extremism, or discrimination of any kind." are
NOT ALLOWED. The fact that you've also shown that you're proud of what you did sealed your punishment, and any attempt you might make in the future to get unmuted will be forever influenced by this.
To answer another point you've made, in the case of serious rule breaking issues like this one, the admins need neither to announce nor to warn the player in cause. These rules are also written in-game, especially the one you broke, and are available for everyone to read at anytime.
As for your second complaint you've made, that you haven't got a reply regarding your punishment on Discord, I hear that you've been PM-ed about it. I'll let Montgomery or Sam get into more details as I haven't been involved with that issue.
- Bethrezen
In regards to Discord:
As discussed about the first complaint in PM, the issue is / was resolved. Even if Sam didn't warn you, or me, or anyone, in regards to what was warned about there, it's still a given to be permanently muted / banned for doing such an act - lucky if you even get a chance in regards to giving private information of someone. As I said in PM too, I don't particularly care if or if not there was a warning, this channel is also used for general administration and could have very well been posted in the senior channel where none of the drama would have spewed over because you wouldn't have saw it, only because Foxnammi had told you, after being muted for a valid reason himself.
No drama please in the Lobby, because frankly i've seen enough of this and I'm usually a patient man who doesn't care. I don't give a shit if you or the other party don't like each other, it still isn't something that should be done in the lobby. If this was a server like FSE's, or most other game servers, the mass @s would have been met with a lot more of a reaction. If I see any spam @'s of someone in the administration teams of either of my servers in the lobby to get an instant response, I will delete them and take any appropriate action, it just creates a shit dynamic in the lobby and isn't the place for it. I don't want the lobby turning into a cesspit of drama, I don't allow discussions of unbans and the such there for a reason too. If you want, you can PM the people about it if you can't wait for a reply. Spamming also doesn't help anyones case, especially your own.
I've been ignoring this issue myself personally to avoid any drama, but it's getting out of hand over something so simple and I just had to put my 10 cents in.
So sam posting about me so-called posting some private information than saying he spoke to me and warned me for whatever stupid reason you have is a valid Warn? I'm not that stupid to post peoples private information on a discord server for everyone to see. I've seen no drama in the discord channel and spamming @'s if the Head admin would go around and check why some staff are not stated why I was being muted then maybe I would not have to spam ping @ them. I've been warned by sam for nothing with out any reason and yes fox showed me it but that's not the point, the point is he put a warning and told every admin that I've been warned for posting private information when I have not. that's the most retarded shit show I've ever heard of.
Let's follow through with beth little talk. @beth so you muted me for what ??? calling someone a faggot and for saying Turks are useless yet if you keep reading there were many others agreeing and doing the same thing. Let's also clear up that I've seen many times before this all happened guys joining with racist names and using the word nigger in chat with no mute or punishment handed out. it's quite a joke that your petty little hands had to hit the mute button for something so little, I guess you had nothing better to do.
Let me also just say that some admins are even worse, I can remember a senior admin joined the game to turn off a bot with some racist name and yet I didn't see any punishment for that. I think some admins needs speaking to about what they can and can't do.
You were pmed about the warning, it was explained to you, I see no further reason to comment on it because it's done.
Perhaps you don't see the drama in the discord because you are the drama in the discord, it's a constant annoyance that has been tolerated for too long. You've received more warnings than most other people on the discord before we've gotten rid of them, you've already been muted twice, it's more forgiveness then other people have gotten and yet you still cause trouble.
The mute ingame stands. It was against our chat rules, you did it constantly, and you aren't being singled out, in our mute list there are people muted for similar things all the time. The fact that you bragged about it in our discord shows you don't care about our rules and so why should we tolerate you being able to talk on our server.
I would've thought when Quick let you back into the Community you would've started to change your ways but that's clearly impossible and trying to make you see reason doesn't seem to be worth the effort.
So, let this be considered a final warning and a final explanation. No one is abusing you, we are enforcing our discord and in-game rules to the letter, to the contrary to how you think, you've been tolerated far more then others and it's time to bring that to an end. Get it together, stop causing drama, behave or I'm reversing Quicks decision, you will be perma banned from NWP and all our servers and discord.