09-07-2020, 03:57 PM
I don't understand half the stuff you're going on about, who the hell have I doxxed. you keep saying I've doxxed someone and yet not given me any proof that I have nor have shown that I doxxed a user. If you can't supply where I've doxxed someone which by the way I've not doxxed any user ever.
also, this discord bot thing was a long time ago and was sorted out why the reason I was unbanned. imagine nick picking old stuff because you have no valid reason for what you have been doing. Sam also has not shown the team hits and damage he did to me yet again because he does not want to look like the bad guy in all this. because his so-called this top senior admin that "does not abuse"
Yet again all the team damages are not all on purpose. all the ones on sam are because he team hit me and kicked me then slyed me for so-called "AFK" thinking he's funny all the other teamhits that are not sam are accidentally.
Sam you have some sort of problem with me and a grudge that you have no clue how to handle so you have to use this "admin" status to give you some sort of high ground because you can't deal with anything in a legit way. You have no clue what happened back in 2018 yet your adding your biased and shit words to it and adding something about nrp that you also have nothing to do with. I've never come across an admin on any server that has this much bs to throw and someone just because you want me banned but don't have a legit reason on banning me.
Yet again sam handles his own admin complaint and stops me from replying to It because he wants to abuse his powers as always. I legit report is being handled by the admin that I've reported this is quite some new stuff for a siege and the way the admin team is.
Sam has also banned me from discord for no reason at all, I've done nothing against the rules in discord for the past two days I've just been chatting but as per sam has to trying and get the high ground with his "ADMIN" Status and banned me from discord for no real reason because I made a report on him on this forums.
I don't understand how none of this is abuse at all. sam has a problem and it needs sorting out.
Your in-game name: Betty
Your GUID: No Clue
Your Steam URL: Hidden
Name of the admin: Sam
What happened: Well first thing is that happened is sam in the minisiege discord reported in his special admin channel that I was warned by him in discord for posting personal information when in fact I never ever posted anyone personal information and have never been given a warning by him for it. I then asked him in discord about it but he would not reply.
The second things are the other day I joined minisiege was messing about with him cause he's a noob and while him not handling the punishment out fairly he abuses his power and removes the rightful skin I had earned from my skins list without me knowing until I check to put it on and can't access it. He then moves onto to kicking me and team hitting me this strange watching a senior admin team hit and team damage a player. I then join the discord to ask him why he removed my skin and yet again he does not reply and just ignores that fact that he has a hate boner for me.
When did this happen: Over the last couple of months
Proof (Screenshot, witness, logs): Everything in the other report I made that was deleted to save him from being punished for his abuse
Additional comments: Waiting on this to disappear because people think that me reporting an admin for a legit thing is trolling and being a prick about it
Posting my old report on him because he's the admin I'm reporting and yet dealing with his own report how biased does he have to be.
also, this discord bot thing was a long time ago and was sorted out why the reason I was unbanned. imagine nick picking old stuff because you have no valid reason for what you have been doing. Sam also has not shown the team hits and damage he did to me yet again because he does not want to look like the bad guy in all this. because his so-called this top senior admin that "does not abuse"
Yet again all the team damages are not all on purpose. all the ones on sam are because he team hit me and kicked me then slyed me for so-called "AFK" thinking he's funny all the other teamhits that are not sam are accidentally.
Sam you have some sort of problem with me and a grudge that you have no clue how to handle so you have to use this "admin" status to give you some sort of high ground because you can't deal with anything in a legit way. You have no clue what happened back in 2018 yet your adding your biased and shit words to it and adding something about nrp that you also have nothing to do with. I've never come across an admin on any server that has this much bs to throw and someone just because you want me banned but don't have a legit reason on banning me.
Yet again sam handles his own admin complaint and stops me from replying to It because he wants to abuse his powers as always. I legit report is being handled by the admin that I've reported this is quite some new stuff for a siege and the way the admin team is.
Sam has also banned me from discord for no reason at all, I've done nothing against the rules in discord for the past two days I've just been chatting but as per sam has to trying and get the high ground with his "ADMIN" Status and banned me from discord for no real reason because I made a report on him on this forums.
I don't understand how none of this is abuse at all. sam has a problem and it needs sorting out.
Your in-game name: Betty
Your GUID: No Clue
Your Steam URL: Hidden
Name of the admin: Sam
What happened: Well first thing is that happened is sam in the minisiege discord reported in his special admin channel that I was warned by him in discord for posting personal information when in fact I never ever posted anyone personal information and have never been given a warning by him for it. I then asked him in discord about it but he would not reply.
The second things are the other day I joined minisiege was messing about with him cause he's a noob and while him not handling the punishment out fairly he abuses his power and removes the rightful skin I had earned from my skins list without me knowing until I check to put it on and can't access it. He then moves onto to kicking me and team hitting me this strange watching a senior admin team hit and team damage a player. I then join the discord to ask him why he removed my skin and yet again he does not reply and just ignores that fact that he has a hate boner for me.
When did this happen: Over the last couple of months
Proof (Screenshot, witness, logs): Everything in the other report I made that was deleted to save him from being punished for his abuse
Additional comments: Waiting on this to disappear because people think that me reporting an admin for a legit thing is trolling and being a prick about it
Posting my old report on him because he's the admin I'm reporting and yet dealing with his own report how biased does he have to be.