Courage_The_Coward[Closed] complaint against supereagle
Server name:
Your in-game name: Courage_The_Coward
Your GUID: 839170 
Name of the admin: supereagle
When did it happen: around 9.30PM UK time 09/02/25
What happened: Supereagle as a defender opened the gate for attackers. I asked why and they said it was to bait people in to kill, However this is against the rules and should result in a slay. I asked admin to slay themselves and they just ignored me. I asked a few times to which i was just ignored again. People are slayed by admins all the time for opening the gates sometimes even when its not live. If the rules are taken that serious by admins surly the same applies to them as well?   
Proof (screenshots, videos, witnesses, logs): & Screen shots show me asking why super opened the gate and their response to me. Please also see Mudkips comments as i also believe it was admin abuse.  
Additional comments: If admins have different rules for when playing in the server it would be good to know. 
I appreciate you sounding me out about this. I don't deny it and Courage has been very fair and honest in their complaint so I cannot criticise them at all. Courage has always been a very upstanding member of the community so my respects to them. As he says and as I said in chat it was a tactical ploy as on this certain map openin the gate leads to a sort of trap room where me and another player were able to rack up kills both for the team and individuvally by shooting down on unsuspecting victims. But the point is completely taken. I did not see any further messages from Courage so apologies for missing those. In response I can only say I am sorry and will not replicate such a tactic in the future.
Regards Supereagle1
Apology accepted. Was annoyed at the time as it lead to my death but all's forgiven
Hey Courage,

I checked the logs and also wrote to Supereagle1 before answering to you, today and it seems to me it was a honest mistake and a misjudgement of the situation and shouldn't happen again. Thank you for your report!
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