07-11-2020, 02:22 PM
Hello Txendo,
For the best healthcare available, free healthcare, and your efforts to keep it this way in-game, I will award you the medic skin.
Open your custom chat using your O chat (K if you have admin tool) and do /skins to see skins available to you. /skin doc or /skin cert or the full name of the skin provided should apply it to you that round.
PS jesus christ you've died alot to provide free healthcare
For the best healthcare available, free healthcare, and your efforts to keep it this way in-game, I will award you the medic skin.
Open your custom chat using your O chat (K if you have admin tool) and do /skins to see skins available to you. /skin doc or /skin cert or the full name of the skin provided should apply it to you that round.
PS jesus christ you've died alot to provide free healthcare