PulkownikAndrzejKmicic[Closed] Admin application, PulkownikAndrzejKmicic
Quote:So you haven't really been misunderstood. You do want to be a "good admin" to get respect. We have a general bad experience with admins who want to feed their ego.
Secondly, we do our "jobs" as per the server rules; an action you take as an admin doesn't always earn you respect, points, +rep etc.

This must be a language barrier between us I think. I must have misused the word ego and that's why you are taking me for whoever you are taking me for now.
What I mean by respect is this:
I do something as an admin and I get players' feedback which could be anything, starting from a simple thank you to telling me that I am a good admin, whichever. This tells me that my action improved that person's life on the server and make the experience more enjoyable for them. This makes me feel good as it is the main reason I am admin - to improve the server as a whole, stop rule breakers from spoiling the experience for others, and generally make sure that people have a nice, safe place to enjoy themselves playing the game.
It would make me feel very bad if I were told that I am abusing my admin powers, not punishing trolls or punishing wrong people - because it's the opposite of what I want to do.
And let me return to the point about "ego". I guess what I was really trying to say is that getting this "respect" from people is like a reward for me. Like you know, a virtue is its own reward. 
It gives me great satisfaction to get good feedback, although it is not the reason I am admin, nor is it something that I will be trying to get. But if I get it as a by-product of my doing a good job then I will take it.

I really can't express it any better than this. If you still don't get me then whatever.

Quote:The fact that you didn't follow our application template either, would have been a minor thing, but says something more about you. Ego + not following rules.

I did follow the template. You are talking absolute rubbish.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Admin application, PulkownikAndrzejKmicic - by PulkownikAndrzejKmicic - 08-26-2021, 12:15 PM

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