PulkownikAndrzejKmicic[Closed] Admin application, PulkownikAndrzejKmicic
Quote:I was referring to the fact that I generally used to be a good admin and that was the thing that generally seemed to make people respect me.

So you haven't really been misunderstood. You do want to be a "good admin" to get respect. We have a general bad experience with admins who want to feed their ego.
First of all, a "good admin" is subjective and considering you've just applied and we would need to take your word for it, you considering yourself a "good admin" doesn't really mean anything for us.
Secondly, we do our "jobs" as per the server rules; an action you take as an admin doesn't always earn you respect, points, +rep etc.
For example, our head admin didn't get any respect from you, for dismissing your application.

The fact that you didn't follow our application template either, would have been a minor thing, but says something more about you. Ego + not following rules. These rules are not something imposed by the "boss", by the "leader", but something we worked for as a community here for years. It's our whole admin team who contributed and agreed upon these changes over the years.
Our head admin is not some evil, authoritarian boss; it's just the admin who wants to take on the most challenging aspects of admining Minisiege, like making the most difficult decisions.

Wish you all the best
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]

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RE: Admin application, PulkownikAndrzejKmicic - by Bethrezen - 08-26-2021, 09:36 AM

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