PulkownikAndrzejKmicic[Closed] Admin application, PulkownikAndrzejKmicic
Bethrezen has summed up the main points very well, so I will just put in my own words here.

Firstly I apologise if you took any offence. Past admin experiences with Ego's have had long lasting negative effects on Minisiege, something we cannot risk again.
NW still suffers from toxic players with large Ego's, hence extreme reluctance when "respected" and "Ego" etc. are thrown into sentences.
If someone makes it clear to us that they're doing this for the community and not themselves, then myself, seniors and game admins try to welcome them with open arms and learning support.

I will highlight this: "something we worked for as a community here for years."
This is not a job or a serious organisation, but something many players (many who have came and gone) for years have built on a old game for people to continue playing on, during their free time.


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RE: Admin application, PulkownikAndrzejKmicic - by Loifas - 08-26-2021, 12:12 PM

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