Floki[Rejected] Meat Grinder reward - YourLocalPervert
Reward: Meat Grinder Skin if it is still here..

Your in-game name: YourLocalPervert 

Reason: Ive been throwing my body into the fort's gaining kills while add it but trying to overwhelm the defenders i dont give up if i do get killed everytime

Evidence*: Well i dont have evidence sadly but i am honest about this stuff, i dont lie about it but i try my best to be a meat shield for my team.
Alright, Resume your heresy.
[Image: a349dcbf7a2284d749aca706f8fd2444.gif]

currently I am not convinced from your stats. Also you are currently muted and we don't give rewards to people that are banned/muted. Maybe in the future.

Best regards

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