chirstinapulliam[Pending] Admin Application
Your in-game name (and other pseudo): mob_christina0511, christina0511, Christina Pulliam
Steam URL:
Country: USA, Tennessee
Spoken language(s):English
Current age:47
Admin experience: I am an admin in US_GK_TDM in regular mount & blade warband
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): Rubbingmyaxe,
Why do you want to become an admin? I am on the server, mini_siege a lot on NW, I play like all day, so I figured I might as well help run the server and help people, mainly because I enjoy the game and I like helping people.
Hello MoB_Christina05111,

Thank you for your application! Your activity and behaviour will be observed for the following week or so, after which you will be contacted.
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]
Hi Christina,

I will contact you this weekend regarding your application.
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]
Please contact me on Discord or Steam
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]

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