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[92nd] Vegi[Rejected] Vegi's Admin application
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): Vegi / 92nd_Cpt_Vegi
GUID: 1223304
Steam URL:
Country and region: Belgium
Spoken language(s): English, French and Dutch
Current age: 20
Admin experience: Former miniesiege admin, admin on our own hosted 92nd/2eHuss Event, Referee in some NW tournements
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): No idea, but i know the admins at this point
Why do you want to become admin?: I made mistakes in the past, like toxicity, agressive recruitment and other stuff like that. But i can be sure to be a better player/person on this server. Like i was before when i was at first admin on this server. I know the rules out of my head and I can be sure that i'll handle in a correct way and deal with those rulebreaking persons. I also play sometimes in the early, because I have late classes on the university. 
From our prior experiences with you as a trial admin and the brief period in which we had to mute you, we do not currently believe you would be a suitable candidate for admin and so we will have to deny this application. Feel free to reapply in a few months.

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