Tethos[Closed] Unfair ban. Admin not issuing warnings.
Your in-game name: Nr21_GrdFus_Will
Your Steam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Tethos
Name of the admin: Atlas https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198836813464
Time: 19:30, 13-05-2020
What happened: I feel I have been unfairly banned by Atlas for "shitbuilding" at spawn. I placed one plank, 2 sandbags, and 1 gabion. A total BP usage of 16 or so, at the round start, when we had over 110. I was going to destroy these structures to regain the BP and they were not blocking the team at all. 
I get slain without warning, causing me to lose all my grenades (9 in total), which I had been saving up to distribute amongst the team for the final push into their spawn. Atlas has slain me before without any warning in the past. I remember this because NO OTHER ADMIN HAS THIS BEHAVIOUR. I then destroyed the structures and they perma-banned me. I feel this was unjust and no other admin would do this. They would at least give warning beforehand. The times I have encountered Atlas it always seems like they are looking for an excuse to ban people and are excessive in issuing said bans.  

I play often, and other admins such as Caesim, Elloco, Cookie, Artilerista, are all fine with me occasionally building. I have not received bans this way before. 

Atlas is extremely oversensitive and should not be given admin privileges to abuse in such a manner. Warnings should at least be given before a TEMPORARY ban is issued. I believed this was the normal way to do things. If this is ignored then a perma-ban is fair. It is wrong that I have been permanently banned for such a small thing. I could see how it would be justified IF I had done something like spam tnt, block spawn, or use up excessive amounts of BP. 16 is not excessive, considering it can be destroyed and regained. Sappers on prior rounds had been wasting hundreds on ramps that did not even work. 

I hadn't been banned earlier at any point recently, for the last few months, so it is not like an auto-perma. Atlas needs to learn proper proceedings and give warning first. 

And yes, I have read and understand the rules. Shitbuilding is subjective, and not directly bannable. Certainly not worth a perma-ban with no warning. It should have been something like "Hey, Will stop building please." "Final warning" *Temp Ban*. Then perma if that behaviour continues.

Proof will be in the logs. So surprised and upset at being banned for what is normally no problem that I didn't take screenshots.
Alright, we have looked at what you've said, we've looked at the available evidence and we've listened to Atlas's side of the story. The decision that we have come to is that Atlas made the correct decision. As we have always functioned as an admin team, we treat the slays themselves as warnings to players not to break rules, if an admin warns you first, then that is just them being nice to you, they aren't required to go out of their way to ask you to stop before slaying you.

Next, our rule on "shitbuilding" is this "Shit building: you can build anything as long as it serves the team, if an admin decides it doesn't help the team its because it doesn't so do not argue back.".

Atlas took a screenshot of what you built, that combined with what you've told us shows that your build had no purpose/did not help your team and thus a slay was correct. What led to the permaban wasn't you then breaking the sapper works it was you team hitting Atlas and another player which we have evidence from the server logs to prove this we also have the testimony of another player (non-admin) that was there who told us you continued to build after the slay. Normally yes, a temp ban would've been given instead of a permaban, however, you have been on our radar for a while for having a large number of punishments and the Senior team agrees that a Permaban was justified. Our final decision was that the permaban was justified and Atlas made the correct decision.
Ok. Goodbye MiniSiege. It shall be missed.
Please thank Cookie from me for being awesome. I do not know how to contact them through Steam.

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