Your in-game name (and other pseudos):
Steam URL:
Country and region: Kuwait'Middle East
Spoken language(s): Arabic, English
Current age: 17
Admin experience: admin on a roleplaying server called narc and a CW on jailbreak ex-officer for the RKR (don't have a voucher for the last one *sadspurdoface*
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): jurek
Why do you want to become admin?: i normally go and chill in EU commander and i see a lot of rule-breakers i try to tell them to dismount they don't listen and if i call an admin most of the time he comes late so i want to be there in the time of this rule-breaking to offer the other players a good experience in the server with no rule-breakers
Steam URL:
Country and region: Kuwait'Middle East
Spoken language(s): Arabic, English
Current age: 17
Admin experience: admin on a roleplaying server called narc and a CW on jailbreak ex-officer for the RKR (don't have a voucher for the last one *sadspurdoface*
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): jurek
Why do you want to become admin?: i normally go and chill in EU commander and i see a lot of rule-breakers i try to tell them to dismount they don't listen and if i call an admin most of the time he comes late so i want to be there in the time of this rule-breaking to offer the other players a good experience in the server with no rule-breakers