Thread Closed 
[92nd]Charles_Campbell[VIZ][Rejected] admin aplication
Your in-game name (and other pseudos):Zuck
Steam URL:
Country and region:turkey asia
Spoken language(s):turkish english
Current age:17
Admin experience:empire offical
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): ı couldnt find his steam account
Why do you want to become admin?:when i entered the server i saw you were looking for new admins and i decided to try my luck
[Image: o1Pfvy.jpeg]
Hello Zuck,

Can you write your pseudo/gamename on the application please?

Your application is noted and under review! We'll get back to you once a decision has been made.


EUC Admin Team
Hello Zuck,

Your application has been accepted! You will be contacted by one of the Senior Admins for the further notice. What we want you to do now is be regularly active on the server and website, and show a proper admin conduct, so we could decide if you are fit to be admin.

That said, your first testing phase has begun, and you will be notified of our decision when the one is made.

EUC Admin Team

- When joining Discord, use either your steam name or your application name, so we could recognize you. Ingame at EU_Commander please use only your name that you have specified in your application and no pseudos.

Discord Server:

- Activity on the server:

1. We don't require you to be active 24/7. We only want to see you consistently active.
2. Staying in spectator and not doing anything on the server won't count as acceptable activity so try to play the game.

- Bumping and contacting admins: Do not bump this thread and don't try to rush our decision, it will have negative effects on it. If you have any questions about the rules or anything else, ask any of the senior admins via Steam or Discord.
Denied due to inactivity.

EUC Admin Team.

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