Thread Closed 
Isaac[Closed] Admin Complaint - Sam
Your in-game name: Betty

Your GUID: No Clue

Your Steam URL: Hidden

Name of the admin: Sam

What happened: Well first thing is that happened is sam in the minisiege discord reported in his special admin channel that I was warned by him in discord for posting personal information when in fact I never ever posted anyone personal information and have never been given a warning by him for it. I then asked him in discord about it but he would not reply. 

The second things are the other day I joined minisiege was messing about with him cause he's a noob and while him not handling the punishment out fairly he abuses his power and removes the rightful skin I had earned from my skins list without me knowing until I check to put it on and can't access it. He then moves onto to kicking me and team hitting me this strange watching a senior admin team hit and team damage a player. I then join the discord to ask him why he removed my skin and yet again he does not reply and just ignores that fact that he has a hate boner for me. 

When did this happen: Over the last couple of months

Proof (Screenshot, witness, logs): Everything in the other report I made that was deleted to save him from being punished for his abuse 

Additional comments: Waiting on this to disappear because people think that me reporting an admin for a legit thing is trolling and being a prick about it 
I would like to also say that sam has now banned me or kicked from the siege discord because he has a problem with abusing his perms.
Dear Isaac (Betty/George_the_Fifth/Gretelisanigger and other used names),

I hope to address all of your current points in one reply, supplemented with some anecdotes of your past 4 years with us.

First the skins. We use them to honor and award accomplished players and contributors of our community: allies of the server and players that supported us with maps, scripts and other works of art or played for countless hours. We however, are obliged to remove them when users cause harm to the server repeatedly. This can be done after toxic behavior, making other player- and admin's game-play experiences miserable (§1), endangering our Discord server e.g. by infringing the ToS* and the use of malicious botware (§2), trough the employment of doxxing tactics (§3).

§1 - Toxic and terrorizing behavior in-game and on Discord
1.1 Teamhitting (only even looking at the last 10 days):
Line 9052:  12:34:07 - Betty teamhit Mister_Tean 3 health.
Line 9073:  12:34:27 - Betty teamhit Mister_Tean 2 health.
Line 9079:  12:34:32 - Betty teamhit Mister_Tean 2 health.
Line 9105:  12:34:56 - Betty teamhit Mister_Tean 3 health.
Line 9116:  12:35:01 - Betty teamhit Mister_Tean 2 health.
Line 9125:  12:35:03 - Betty teamhit Mister_Tean 2 health.
Line 10573:  13:00:21 - Betty teamhit 2 1 health.
Line 10582:  13:00:27 - Betty teamhit 2 1 health.
Line 10591:  13:00:32 - Betty teamhit 2 1 health.
Line 10595:  13:00:35 - Betty teamhit 2 1 health.
Line 10601:  13:00:38 - Betty teamhit 2 1 health.
Line 10603:  13:00:42 - Betty teamhit 2 1 health.
Line 10605:  13:00:43 - Betty teamhit 2 1 health.
Line 10962:  14:00:31 - Betty teamhit I_shoot_people_with_skinssss 4 health.
Line 10966:  14:00:33 - Betty teamhit I_shoot_people_with_skinssss 2 health.
Line 10967:  14:00:34 - Betty teamhit I_shoot_people_with_skinssss 1 health.
Line 10969:  14:00:35 - Betty teamhit I_shoot_people_with_skinssss 1 health.
Line 10971:  14:00:38 - Betty teamhit I_shoot_people_with_skinssss 3 health.
Line 10988:  14:00:54 - Betty teamhit I_shoot_people_with_skinssss 2 health.
Line 10989:  14:00:55 - Betty teamhit I_shoot_people_with_skinssss 2 health.
Line 10992:  14:00:57 - Betty teamhit I_shoot_people_with_skinssss 2 health.
Line 10993:  14:00:59 - Betty teamhit I_shoot_people_with_skinssss 2 health.
Line 36858:  20:38:42 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 36887:  20:38:45 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 36899:  20:38:56 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 36911:  20:39:07 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 36920:  20:39:12 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 36923:  20:39:14 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 36936:  20:39:21 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 36953:  20:39:32 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 36960:  20:39:40 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 36964:  20:39:43 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37003:  20:40:13 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37021:  20:40:21 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37022:  20:40:22 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37027:  20:40:25 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37036:  20:40:32 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37046:  20:40:36 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37052:  20:40:39 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37056:  20:40:41 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37126:  20:41:20 - Gretelisanigger teamhit 1stEB_Sgt_Scarecrow 2 health.
Line 37142:  20:41:31 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37144:  20:41:32 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37151:  20:41:33 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37153:  20:41:35 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37156:  20:41:37 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37160:  20:41:39 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37164:  20:41:41 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37172:  20:41:43 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37178:  20:41:44 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37184:  20:41:46 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37188:  20:41:48 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37190:  20:41:49 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37193:  20:41:51 -  <img=ico_punch> Gretelisanigger
Line 37194:  20:41:51 - [SERVER]: Eisbaer Slayed Player Gretelisanigger.
Line 37264:  20:42:30 - Gretelisanigger <img=ico_crossbow> Sista_Anal
Line 37272:  20:42:36 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 6 health.
Line 37273:  20:42:38 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37282:  20:42:44 -  <img=ico_headshot> Gretelisanigger
Line 37283:  20:42:44 - [SERVER]: Sam Swapped Player Gretelisanigger to Spectators.
Line 37347:  20:43:15 - Gretelisanigger teamhit 1stEB_Sgt_Scarecrow 3 health.
Line 37382:  20:43:29 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37409:  20:43:32 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37416:  20:43:33 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37421:  20:43:35 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37432:  20:43:39 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37500:  20:44:48 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37501:  20:44:49 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37502:  20:44:51 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37504:  20:44:52 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37507:  20:44:54 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37510:  20:44:56 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37515:  20:44:59 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37517:  20:45:01 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Great_Uncle_Norbert 2 health.
Line 37522:  20:45:03 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 4 health.
Line 37524:  20:45:05 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37527:  20:45:07 -  <img=ico_punch> Gretelisanigger
Line 37528:  20:45:07 - [SERVER]: Great_Uncle_Norbert Slayed Player Gretelisanigger.
Line 37605:  20:46:11 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37607:  20:46:13 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37616:  20:46:17 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Carleone 3 health.
Line 37627:  20:46:25 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37631:  20:46:27 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37654:  20:46:51 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37657:  20:46:53 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37662:  20:46:54 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37663:  20:46:56 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37665:  20:46:57 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37667:  20:46:59 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37668:  20:47:00 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37670:  20:47:02 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 1 health.
Line 37674:  20:47:06 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37675:  20:47:07 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37679:  20:47:09 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37686:  20:47:12 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 3 health.
Line 37691:  20:47:14 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37693:  20:47:16 - Gretelisanigger teamhit Sam 2 health.
Line 37696:  20:47:16 - Gretelisanigger is banned temporarily.
Line 37697:  20:47:16 - [SERVER]: Sam Temporary Banned Player Gretelisanigger.

1.2 Chat trolling
I quote from 2020/06/29: "Muted spamming and trolling for in the chat, insulting players with homophobic, xenophobic, extremist and racist remarks. But most of all? Bragging about it in the Discord chat." 
11:56:30 - [Betty] wht a fag
12:02:20 - [Betty] what a faggot
12:02:28 - [Betty] stupid turks
12:02:53 - [Betty] turks are simps
12:02:54 - [Betty] and retards
12:03:11 - [Betty] turks simps
12:03:26 - [Betty] turks are gay also
12:04:07 - [Betty] turks are fags
12:04:37 - [Betty] turks are fags
12:05:30 - [Betty] Turks are low life scum
12:06:00 - [Betty] turks are third world trash
12:09:46 - [Betty] turks are scum
12:11:01 - [Betty] turks are the most hated scum
12:14:08 - [Betty] turks are fags
12:17:39 - [Betty] turks are retards
12:19:06 - [Betty] no turks are good.
12:19:47 - [Betty] bomb a turk
12:23:49 - [Betty] turks are fags
12:36:37 - [Betty] shit map like the turks
12:37:08 - [Betty] turks eeew
12:38:12 - [Betty] turks are low life kebab scum
12:39:04 - [Betty] turks are low life scum
12:39:09 - [Betty] we should nuke turky
12:40:08 - [Betty] i smell shitty turks burning
12:40:58 - [Betty] country is still a shit hole
12:41:02 - [Betty] which makes you turks a shit hole
12:41:09 - [Betty] so either way ur still a shit hole
12:59:47 - [Betty] stupid turk teamhitting
12:59:57 - [Betty] fag peopel
13:04:24 - [Betty] what a fag
13:04:33 - [Betty] turks usless people
13:05:08 - [Betty] useless people
13:05:11 - [Betty] turks are
13:05:38 - [Betty] turks are shit
13:05:58 - [Betty] u wish my mother fucked u turks
13:07:07 - *DEAD* [Betty] turks need to join isis do something useful
13:07:21 - [Betty] turks join isis blow your self up that's useful
13:09:40 - [Betty] imagine being turkish thinking u mean anything
13:10:16 - [Betty] blacklives don't matter
13:13:23 - [Betty] turks should be gassed
13:13:58 - [Betty] remove kebab
13:14:53 - [Betty] kebab talk
13:15:02 - [Betty] looks like shit on the screen
13:16:08 - [Betty] turks
13:16:10 - [Betty] are fags
13:16:13 - [Betty] no one cares about ur life
13:16:20 - [Betty] useless turks
13:17:07 - [Betty] turks are fags

§2 - Possible use of malicious botware and reconciliation after that.
Quote:"Hello George,

We as the adminteam always give people second chances. This counts for Admins but also for players. We even unbanned a player a 3rd time and gave an admin a 3rd chance.
Your 3rd chance as an admin you wasted. The amount of damage your bot and you did to our community was huge. I still haven't forgiven you for that, nor have the other staffmembers. 
So you will never hold any offical rank in our community ever again.
Having said that: i don't think we have given you another shot as a player. So i am gonna do something controversial; you will be unbanned and will be able to play on our server once again.
Do not waste this chance because this will be your last.
As I wasn't an admin before 2018, other admins might be able to supplement additive reports of this incident. I am personally inclined to believe, as it appears: That this was a malicious, vengeful act after being previously removed as admin. Your reputation here and as a NRP server admin adds to this conclusion.

§3 - Publishing public information(media) of Discord users in public channels
This speaks for itself. I won't add more to this to safeguard and protect the individuals and their rights. What matters is that you commenced an attack on their privacy and personhood - willingly. I don't care whether you considered the consequences or not. Perhaps you thought of it as a funny joke, it is not. As a warning for the future: you can be prosecuted under UK law for these. This is also forbidden under the Discord terms of service and we are forced to act upon this, as it should be.

I believe we reached a suitable compromise as you will never have to worry about "our abusive admins (/s)" ever again. I have been tasked by the staff to bring you our conclusions. We believe you, trough the above examples, to be a direct danger to the personal lives of individuals and their privacy, the existence of our Discord server and well-being of our in-game server. We warned you that you would be banned from every platform if you persist. You will never participate in our community ever again.

We don't want anything to do with you, your salt or whatever psychedelics you are using.

*Referring to the Discord terms of services

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