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[92nd] Murhpy[Rejected] ApplicationEU Commander
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): Murhpy
Steam URL:
Country and region: Belgium (EU)
Spoken language(s): Dutch, English, (bit of german)
Current age:21
Admin experience: Admin on the 92nd servers. 
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher):
Why do you want to become admin?: I'm in the server regularly, and i would like to help out when there no admins on.  Shy 
+1 real nice and gentle guy , can confirm is admin in 92nd events
Hello Murhpy,

Your application is noted and under review! We'll get back to you once a decision has been made.

EUC Admin Team

By checking out the logs you haven't been active enough in the month of November and December. I advice you to play a couple of more weeks and try again.

EUC admin Team.

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