Moderated By: EU_Commander Senior Admin, Minisiege Head Admin, Minisiege Senior Admin

Help regarding filling in the template form:
Server name = Name of the NWP server where you were playing (e.g. Minisiege / EUC)
Your in-game name = The name you used at the time of the indicent in question.
Your GUID = This is your unique GUID (in case we can't find your name in-game). To find this; Join servers like Groupfighting or EU_Commander; the server will display a message to you as you join.
Name of the admin = This is the admins name. We need this, to know what admin you are complaining about.
When did it happen = This helps us to find the incident in the logs. Please provide a rough estimate, if you don't know exacts.
What happened = Please provide as much detail as possible about the incident. Be civil when writing this.
Proof = Get as much of this as possible. Screenshots, witnesses or even logs from the server (if you were in contact with a Senior admin before posting). This helps speed up solving the issue as fast as possible.
Additional comments = This can be anything you want, if you have nothing additional to mention please put N/A.

Admin Complaints
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