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Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte I[Approved] Mute Request - TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser
Offenders in-game name: TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser

Your GUID / Name in-game (optional): 1202354

Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 01/11/2024 from 23:00 to 00:00 more or less and today 01/12/2024 in a time-span from 20:00 to 21:25

Their Crime: As you can see I've putted "mute request" and not "ban request", you could think, well you can mute a player, yeah but if someone types with the O letter, you can't mute them and this person does this on purpose. Said person is a very harmful, offensive and unfriendly player. He harasses many players including Billy, Shekss, Marth, PISS_Pot_Pete and myself (even Hohenstein and countless others in the past). The reasons of why he does this are unknown but he can trashtalk to anyone at any time, he never shuts up and he have double standards (he say to be against racism but then say that Marth's country, Hungary is a degenerate backwards country) he say he hate degenerates and then he randomly say that he fucked someone's mom. Whenever he's on he creates drama, he uses lot of heavy insults such as: moron, retard etc) and he simply goes on and on, that's the real issue, that he targets people for any small thing and there's no way to make it end, most of the times ignoring him doesnt help. He's a troll that literally poisons the chat and annoys players, I'm sure many will agree with me on this. There's no real thing that triggers him, he just enjoys to piss off people and ruin their fun, I again repeat that several people can vouch for this request and the fact that we can't mute him in game is very annoying and we have to find a way. He's smart because he doesn't break any rule (such as teamkilling on purpose or opening gates as a defender etc) so he doesn't get banned.

Evidence: Logs will suffice.

Messages In This Thread
Mute Request - TheThirdCousinToTheKaiser - by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte I - 01-12-2024, 08:54 PM

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