03-18-2024, 11:25 AM
The request has been approved and the player Marth_The_Gryphonhearted has been permanently muted.
Reason: the player insults other players on a daily basis, whether justified or not, but most of the times due to him being killed, the admin doing something he doesn't like, or the another player being from a country he doesn't like. Normally, we would also remove all the rewards he's earned so far, like skins or Discord tags, but since it's his first punishment (even though based on countless server rule breaching), this will be forgiven.
Random logs from the start of this year:
The request has been approved and the player Marth_The_Gryphonhearted has been permanently muted.
Reason: the player insults other players on a daily basis, whether justified or not, but most of the times due to him being killed, the admin doing something he doesn't like, or the another player being from a country he doesn't like. Normally, we would also remove all the rewards he's earned so far, like skins or Discord tags, but since it's his first punishment (even though based on countless server rule breaching), this will be forgiven.
Random logs from the start of this year:
17:00:38 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] You're such a basic bitch
17:00:43 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] Why are you even alive
17:29:45 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] fucker wouldn't shut his mouth
17:29:57 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] RedHussar
17:30:09 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] some random Hungarian idiot
17:32:06 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] fucker
18:45:45 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] I'm so gonna get you next round you camping whoreson
18:45:58 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] Wish you never came back
18:46:30 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] kys
18:49:25 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] Honestly Reginald you should die irl
18:58:53 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] Fuck you man
19:11:06 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] As long as I'm 2000 ahead by a certain camper faggot, I'm happy
19:11:35 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] And you're just a whore in general, beat it
19:11:59 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] Piss off
19:13:13 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] and what if I am toxic -----------
19:14:03 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] playing it better than you ever will dumbass
19:14:48 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] You're camping like a faggot, that's what
19:15:13 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] I'll kill you irl -------------------
16:40:08 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] kill that Spanish fuck
18:43:47 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] except playing against camping faggots is no fun
18:44:21 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] eat it
18:46:38 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] Did your incestuous parents ever teach you manners?
18:47:45 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] I feel sorry for your mom if she had to poop something like you out
19:18:10 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] anime suck my dick
19:18:18 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] toxic retard
18:28:22 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] No offense, but kys
21:14:05 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] kys Callum
21:14:10 - [Marth_The_Gryphonhearted] whoreson