Thread Closed 
Ally[Rejected] Cav Rambo Antoin_Vermandois
Hello Ally,

this case is under review.


After reviewing the logs I will have to close this case denied.
Player in question ended his charge at the charged unit. That is allowed for him. It´s not gentleman- like to round the infantry unit and kill one by one- but thats not against the rules.
The screenshots don´t give an exact view if you don´t clearly look at the time stamps.
13:54:07 - Prussian Line Infantry <img=ico_swordone> Saxon Uhlan
13:54:08 - Prussian Line Infantry <img=ico_spear> Saxon Uhlan
13:54:09 - Prussian Line Infantry <img=ico_spear> Saxon Uhlan
13:54:09 - Albrecht_von_Penileshaft <img=ico_crossbow> Prussian Line Infantry
13:54:09 - Prussian Line Infantry <img=ico_spear> Saxon Uhlan
13:54:11 - [SERVER]: Lone Cav Commanders have to dismount with line on foot if their bots are dead or all dismounted.
13:54:11 - Saxon Uhlan <img=ico_spear> Prussian Line Infantry
13:54:11 - Antoin_Vermandois <img=ico_horseimpact> Prussian Line Infantry
13:54:13 - Antoin_Vermandois <img=ico_spear> Prussian Line Infantry
13:54:15 - Antoin_Vermandois <img=ico_spear> Prussian Line Infantry
13:54:16 - Prussian Line Infantry <img=ico_spear> Saxon Uhlan

His Uhlans died during the situation- where exactly I can´t see. What I can see is that he wasn´t alone fighting. Perhaps his men did spread a bit or died around but in this case its not enough for a ban. But we´ll keep an eye on him.

Thanks for your effort to keep the server clean-



Messages In This Thread
Cav Rambo Antoin_Vermandois - by Ally - 07-10-2024, 02:41 AM
RE: Cav Rambo2 - by Thundgil - 07-10-2024, 05:53 PM

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