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Marth The Gryphonhearted[Approved] Ban Request - Polish_Master_Race
Quote:You were looking for concrete evidence of you having done molotov teamkilling before, have at it. This is Chad's screenshot of you killing a friendly 15 seconds after round start on Ram Ranch, with absolutely no enemies around.

So after 2 days of hard looking you could only come up with one ancient screenshot from before Sarissa got unbanned (which was 3 months ago, if not 6 months ago) from a completely unrelated incident.
Question 1, why have you waited this long before uploading it?
Question 2, what exactly does that have to do with this topic? How is this relevant exactly? Even if I trolled someone with a molotov once - for which I was already punished in the past, we are not going to talk about that - it does not automatically mean that every teamkill to my name is intentional.

Quote:I should mention too, looking at the current leaderboard, that you have 75 teamkills to your name. I have 56, most of which come from playing artillery and hitting friendlies that way, unintentionally. You, on the other hand, never play artillery, so the only logical explanation I can see for having almost 20 more teamkills than me is that you've done a LOT of intentional teamkilling.

This is not evidence. This is your biased mental gymnastics. Pure speculation. Abracadabra. Hocus Pocus.
(Surely you are not implying that everyone with more teamkills than you should be automatically banned?)

Quote:Also I remember clearly, which admins will confirm too, that you were last permanently banned from Minisiege for teamkilling about a dozen men with a molotov on the Fort Mackinaw map while they were stuck in a cage at the attacker spawn (still under the nickname Andrew_Tate, but we all know it is you). I forget which admin was there, but he permanently banned you on the spot for teamkilling. And what did you say to justify that? To simply put, you felt like it would be good fun.

Unrelated incident. Served my time. Water under the bridge. Never did it again.
Why bring this up in a completely unrelated discussion? It proves literally nothing.

Quote:Yeah I'm sure you had fun, problem is that it goes against the server rules, which is something you have done way too many times already.

That is rich coming from you, Marth.
You better be squeaky, crystal clear before you pull me up on that.

Quote:I do not care much for politics either, but Newton's screenshot definitely proves that you're a horrible person when it comes to that topic as well.

Says the guy laughing at Auschwitz and other concentration camps in Poland.

Quote:Genocide of any people groups is NEVER justified, no matter who started the conflict in the first place.

Are you implying that I advocate for genocide? What nonsense. You literally made it up as you were writing it.
(If you haven't noticed, my previous post is very much against genocide.)

Quote:And before you claim that I asked for my clanmates' support, do note that none of the people who have commented here are part of my regiment, they simply see the error of your ways. And agree with me that you should be punished for your recklessness. If you would at least admit that you had done something wrong, we all would be more merciful. I pity you and such people who refuse to admit to their wrongdoings even for a single second, constantly hiding behind lies and seeking to expose others instead.

Marth has buddies from outside of his own regiment.
They scratch his back, he'll scratch theirs...
[Image: QxOmCdG.png]

As entertaining as it is to reply to you, angry people, I think I will call it a day.

I make no admissions and if anyone wants me to apologise for anything, I hereby declare that it is your duty to prove my guilt, not for me to prove my innocence.


Dear admin/s, I suggest you close the topic and pass your own judgement. The posts are pouring in, but apart from 1 screenshot there is nothing but character assassination and insults from angry men.
They've had plenty of time to provide evidence. If they had any, they would have provided it already.
The topic should be closed and decision made in due course.

My only request from you is that you decide on my guilt or innocence based on hard evidence, not mere assumptions or hearsay.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban Request - Polish_Master_Race - by Slsteve - 07-24-2024, 08:37 PM
RE: Ban Request - Polish_Master_Race - by Vapuro - 07-24-2024, 09:08 PM
RE: Ban Request - Polish_Master_Race - by PulkownikAndrzejKmicic - 07-26-2024, 04:48 PM
RE: Ban Request - Polish_Master_Race - by Slsteve - 08-19-2024, 10:15 PM
RE: Ban Request - Polish_Master_Race - by ~Sam - 08-21-2024, 01:17 AM
RE: Ban Request - Polish_Master_Race - by Vapuro - 08-21-2024, 10:12 AM
RE: Ban Request - Polish_Master_Race - by ~Sam - 08-30-2024, 08:35 AM

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