Tiramisu UwU[Rejected] Unban
Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute):  Tony_Sex_Legionary
Your GUID (optional): 
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): idk 3 weeks ago??? (i was busy)
Reason for your ban: Spamming with capse/teamhitting one guy
Write your apology:  So.... im a pretty famous persona on that server. Im like a celebrity, everyone knows and misses me... so lemme start with why i was muted, i was argueing with one guy, and desided to insult him in the wierdest ways, im also a rly sarcastic person, i ididnt take his insult seriously, so i started writing wierd things with caps and didnt notice the admin warnings so i kept insulting the guy, so i was muted and i have to apologies for the spam(( but whats funny is, i wasnt the only guy spamming with Caps, he and other ppl where doing the same, and i got muted for that, ppl write all different stuff on the chat, its not a tumblr serv, no one limited to write what he wants, its just a video game.... 
About the ban. As i know... i was ''teamhitting'' player with a nickname m00ng00u (something like that), which i admit, but what you dont know, he was dooing the same to me and insulting in different ways calling me a retard and that i should get cancer and stuff, so i did it from revenge you know... i never teamhitted someone on purpose except this guy... ill try not to do that again, ill follow the rules next time UwU

#Sorry for my bud american 

Messages In This Thread
Unban - by Tiramisu UwU - 07-08-2020, 06:04 PM
RE: Unban - by Loifas - 07-08-2020, 07:16 PM

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