burizaThe problem of the number of cavalry
I don't think you're stupid, considering your experience on the battlefield. But I don't understand the meaning of your request, cause as I tried to demonstrate it - and you're probably agree, cuirassiers are strongers than all the others units. If you use them correctly, or should I say if you don't commit any mistake, you're absolutly sure to win a classic duel, whatever the unit you're fighting.

Let's take your own example : you're charging 30 infantrymen. With heavy cav, you'll get heavy losses even if the guy doesn't have time to form a square. But as light cav, you'll have heavy losses as well. It's not, like you said in your first post a "strange" thing, it's just a non sense to charge a full line without any support.
Let's suppose you're charging with 20 cavalry bots now, you'll still win against 30 inf but a lot of your guys will be wounded and/or dismounted. It doesn't change anything at all.

Also, I'm pretty sure it's historically accurate to make the difference between heavy and light even in terms of numbers, as it's explained here. In a modern "cav" division, there are less heavy tanks than light tanks as well.

For all these reasons, I don't see any win-win option there. It would foster the heavy cav too much in comparison with others units.

Messages In This Thread
The problem of the number of cavalry - by buriza - 01-16-2022, 01:50 PM
RE: The problem of the number of cavalry - by didi - 01-18-2022, 08:42 PM

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