Dark_Berserk[Approved] Butcher- *~Sista_Cherry~*
Your in-game name:*~Sista_Cherry~* / 2e_Crb1_Dark_Berserk
Reason: Hi, Im a minisiege player for quite a long time now, and im a melee lover, stabbing people is a lovely past-time, so i think that by those screenshots i can prove that i worth this skin.
The perfect partner in close combat ,although he eats my kicks. +1
I trust no one else with my legs and shoulders. Have you seen the way this guy sprinkles salt? +1
Hello Dark_Beserk,

the screenshots, your leaderboard position and what I have seen from you over the years, make you a very good butcher.
If you want to reward also on discord, write me your discord name. On the server you should now be able to select the butcher skin.

Keep it up and see you at the server.
Heyo Thanks you <3

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