Steve[Approved] Admin Application
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): Bartoli_Latoro or Steve

GUID: 1350661

Steam URL:

Country and region: USA

Spoken language(s): English

Current age: 23

Admin experience: I've been an admin on various servers across numerous games, including GTA V, Minecraft, and Team Fortress 2, throughout my years. This includes discord administration.

Voucher to confirm your admin experience: Myself and other staff I've worked alongside, if necessary.

Why do you want to become admin?: I have put many hours into EU Commander, a server I fondly remember. However, upon rejoining recently from an extended hiatus, it has become clear the server needs more moderation. Dismounting, ramboing, delaying, and abusive chats are plaguing the server. When players point out these flaws, the staff is scarcely online or able to deal with them. The offhanded comment of 'report it on the forums' allows most, if not all, of the violators of the community's rules to go unpunished and is hardly the sort of thing we should be purporting as 'acceptable moderation.' I want to join to be able to prevent this type of behavior and encourage a fun environment.
Hello Steve,

Your application is noted and under review! We'll get back to you once a decision has been made.

EUC Admin Team

Could you add me on Steam or PM me on Discord? I have send a Steam invite but still awaiting your responce so keep an eye on that please Smile

Hello Steve,

Your application has been accepted! What we want you to do now is be regularly active on the server and website, and show a proper admin conduct, so we could decide if you are fit to be admin.

That said, your first testing phase has begun, and you will be notified of our decision when the one is made.

EUC Admin Team

- When joining Discord, use either your steam name or your application name, so we could recognize you. Ingame at EU_Commander please use only your name that you have specified in your application and no pseudos.

Discord Server:

- Activity on the server:

1. We don't require you to be active 24/7. We only want to see you consistently active.
2. Staying in spectator and not doing anything on the server won't count as acceptable activity so try to play the game.

- Bumping and contacting admins: Do not bump this thread and don't try to rush our decision, it will have negative effects on it. If you have any questions about the rules or anything else, ask any of the senior admins via Steam or Discord.
Good day Steve,

After completing the first phase, you advance towards the Trial phase. Congratulations!

Keep up the work, be active and show good behaviour.

EUC Admin Team
Good day Steve,

After succesfully completing your trial phase you have been ACCEPTED to Commander Battle Admin!

Congratulations and keep up the work!

EUC Admin Team

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