2023 “Halloween” Map Pack for Minisiege
by Chad Thundercock OG & Marth The Gryphonhearted
DOWNLOAD LINK (contains all .sco scene files as well as the scenes.txt file): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1992_28cRxn7HIJwyaWgPTwqegERBxr3U/view?usp=sharingWe hereby bring you a collection of 8 brand new maps ready to be played. Below you will find some general descriptions of the maps listed, including the story of how they came to be, general map features and strategies for both attackers and defenders.
NOTE: These are the original, first versions of the maps, thus they may very well be edited, changed and modified in order to suit the players’ needs. The maps have been thrice tested, revised and eventually approved by a group of 8 people, including Minisiege admins Exedron and Caesim.
CUSTOM MAP 21 – Dragon’s Nest by Marth - https://imgur.com/a/Y4YY6hF
Based on a famous custom map made for Warband Native’s Mount&Siege server, this Napoleonic Wars version of the map comes with just as many – if not more – features. The map is divided into two sections by a ravine: The fortress and the attacker camp. There is also a third section (the forest and beach), albeit far from the action.
Recommended pop: 60+
Recommended timer: 11 minutes
• An underground cavern passage for attackers
• A mountain passage for attackers (going directly behind the flag area)
• Multiple chokepoints, e.g. the front bridge or the side pit crossing
• An open courtyard allowing for bigger scale melee fights around the flag
• A long and easily navigable fort wall stretching all the way from the front gatehouse to the flag
• A leisure area inside the port tavern
• A beautiful view over the ravine and the gulf nearby
• Defenders: four swivel cannons (1 far right, 1 mid-right, 1 middle and 1 left on the wall); one 12-pounder cannon (in front of the flag), one rocket artillery (left side of the flag)
• Attackers: three 12-pounder cannons (facing the front walls of the fort), one mortar (on the mountain to the left of the attacker spawn), two pieces of rocket artillery (same position as the mortar)
• Defenders: The main issue for defenders here will be trying to hold the multiple entrances through which attackers can access the flag area. It is imperative that they hold on to the front courtyard and the upper section of the walls for as long as possible, while having a smaller force deal with attackers coming from the cavern and the mountain passage. Defenders have a definite advantage in artillery, so as long as they can put suppressing fire on the attackers, they should be safe. Defenders also have access to grenades and Molotov cocktails, though in small numbers.
• Attackers: Attackers have to try and push the defenders from each possible way of access, since pushing through the front bridge requires an excessive amount of manpower in order to be successful. Only by keeping the defenders busy on all sides will they be able to open the front gate, by which point it is only a matter of time before the defences crumble and the fort is taken. Attackers must also rely on their mountain artillery to soften up the defences and break the defenders’ resolve in order to attain victory.
CUSTOM MAP 24 – Sp00ky Catacombs by Marth - https://imgur.com/a/VeM6f3r
This map is an original creation intended for the 2017 Halloween Siege Event in Mount&Blade: With Fire and Sword. Loosely based on the map “The Catacombs” in Dark Souls as well as the necropolis towns of the Heroes of Might&Magic series, it features the usual spookiness of a night map, along with several graveyards, dark tunnels, a gigantic skeleton head with flaming eyes, and much more! Similar in nature to the famous Sp00ky Mansion, this map is a “labyrinth” of tunnels, caves, bridges and passages which all eventually lead to the flag area, a feature which attackers will have to exploit in order to win the day and stop the necromancers of the Catacombs from haunting people on the surface world.
Recommended pop: 80+
Recommended timer: 13 minutes
• Several accessible caves, graveyards, rooms, bridges, hallways and passages within a dark, ruinous and downtrodden landscape, perfectly fit for the Halloween theme
• Teleport doors allow for easy access to different areas of the map – However, the real challenge for attackers lies in finding their way to the flag on this labyrinth of a map
• Lots of chokepoints to defend
• A bridge area containing four artillery pieces, the capturing of which is crucial both for attackers and defenders
• Several ancient structures to explore, bones to unearth and treasure to find
• A crypt transformed into a tavern area in the middle of the map for those who wish to chill and share some drinks
• An unorthodox map design where the attackers start on an elevated position compared to the defenders starting in a valley down below
• A beautiful moonlit moat surrounding a large necropolis
• Defenders: one 12-pounder cannon (in front of the bridge, guarding the flag), one swivel cannon (to the left of the bridge), one rocket artillery (on top of the castle building)
• Contested: four swivel cannons (on the middle bridge, can be captured both by attackers and defenders though defenders have a somewhat easier access to them)
• Attackers: one 12-pounder cannon (next to the attacker spawn), one rocket artillery (to the left of the attacker spawn, on a broken bridge)
• Defenders: Defenders have to try and not overextend their defences in all sides. Doing so will result in an easy victory for attackers. They should however try to hold the middle gates and the contested artillery area for as long as possible, since control of these key points is crucial to their victory. They must also pay attention to the many flanking attempts that attackers will likely employ, as their enemies have a plethora of ways by which they can access the flag. Once the middle area falls, they can still hold the necropolis as long as their artillery remains functional.
• Attackers: The main focus of the attackers should be taking the middle area and gaining access to the swivel cannons. Doing so will enable them to bombard the defensive positions while their main force performs a frontal assault. Another strategy they can employ is ignoring the middle area and focusing on performing extensive flanking actions from left and right. This can also be done once they take the middle area, however time will be a main issue by that point. Another disadvantage for attackers is the labyrinth of tunnels, caves and bridges they have to navigate across. They do however spawn in the direction of where they are supposed to be going, but reconnaissance and scouting must still be performed in order to attain victory here.
CUSTOM MAP 39 – Dunluce by Chad - https://imgur.com/a/gXwjHkq
Loosely based on the 13th century castle of the same name in Ireland, Dunluce offers many ambush positions and avenues of attack and for an exciting and chaotic battle.
Recommended pop: 0-100
Recommended timer: 10 minutes
• Secret teleport entrance / exit
• Wall passages on both flanks
• Multi-story gatehouse with operational gate controls
• Many destructible structures including gatehouse, centre wall and living quarters complex (flag area)
• “Peace island” for non-combatant attackers and defenders to gather
• Defenders: two swivel cannons (near the flag area), one rocket artillery (on the rooftop), one 12-pounder cannon (in the middle of the map, will likely be taken by attackers at one point)
• Attackers: two 12-pounder cannons (in front of and to the right of the castle), one mortar (in the ruins at the right corner of the map)
• Defenders: Defenders will want to rush the front wall quickly to potentially hold attackers at the initial ladders and delay losing the gate house. Once the first courtyard begins to fall, defenders will want to either fall back behind the middle wall or occupy the tavern to harass attackers and make a last stand. Occupying the flag courtyard itself is risky due to mortar/cannon fire. Defenders may instead want to hold the surrounding buildings and launch counter charges to clear attackers off flag when necessary. Capturing and holding the mortar in the ruined tower will save many defender lives. Defenders can get there quickly using the teleport door located in the wall passage.
• Attackers: Attackers will want to rush the front wall quickly to potentially beat defenders and secure the gate house early, opening an easier path of attack. One the first courtyard is secured a direct assault on the flag is possible, but given the open ground attackers will more likely want to push the wall passages on either flank to gain access to the surrounding building complex. Once in the living complex attackers will want to navigate to flag (easier if artillery has been effective) while watching out for surprise defenders. The secret teleport cave can be used to stealthily infiltrate the wall passage if the attack is stalled.
CUSTOM MAP 43 – Casablanca by Marth - https://imgur.com/a/fcZjpFC
Based on a famous custom map made for Warband Native’s Mount&Siege server, this new and updated version features everything you would want in a small uphill castle siege. A bit of a “straightforward” map, attackers are forced to mass up and try to assault this beautiful hilltop fort under the coverage of artillery. One of my personal favourite maps ever, this multi-layered fort will prove a difficult challenge for attackers to take and for defenders to secure.
Recommended pop: 0-100
Recommended timer: 10 minutes
• A multi-layered defence in an easily navigable white-clad Spaniard fort
• Multiple artillery positions both for defenders and attackers
• The relatively small size of the map makes it ideal for current Minisiege pop numbers
• The upper courtyard is full of visually pleasing architecture
• A smaller hall inside the fort for non-combatant players to relax
• Defenders: one swivel cannon (right in the middle, in front of the flag, guarding the slope), two rocket artillery pieces (on each side of the fort), one mortar (behind the flag, for providing suppressive fire)
• Attackers: one rocket artillery (right side of the attacker spawn), one 12-pounder cannon (behind the attacker spawn), one mortar (far left of the attacker spawn)
• Defenders: Since the fort is multi-layered, it is imperative that defenders try to hold the outer layer for as long as possible. They must also be careful for any attempts by the attackers to outflank them from behind. Defenders will have to use their superior artillery to repel attackers, especially after they capture the first layer of the fort. The upper courtyard (second layer) is quite open so attackers with good melee prowess can easily overwhelm a small group of defenders. The timer should be set low enough for defenders to be able to hold.
• Attackers: Attackers have to focus on conquering the fort layer by layer. Their artillery will play a crucial role in softening up the defences, and while the fort walls are not breakable, the defenders’ resolve certainly is. Skilled sappers will also be able to provide easy access to the fort for attackers. If all else fails, attackers also have the ability to outflank the defenders using the back entrance, which, although takes a long time to get to, is definitely worth exploiting in order to win.
CUSTOM MAP 64 – Outlaw Camp by Casca (edited by Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/yxjnaFb
Based on a battle map called “Road in the Forest” found in Mount&Blade: With Fire and Sword made by Casca, this custom edited map strives to be fun and open map. Cavalry is available here and should be used extensively by attackers in order to get across one of the 3 chokepoints that the defenders have to defend. Wise usage of artillery is also very important: attackers can pretty much shred the defences to pieces with their cannons, so defenders must focus on countering enemy artillery pieces as much as possible. A second “Charge at Borodino” awaits those who dare to set foot in this hidden camp in the forest!
Recommended pop: 40+
Recommended timer: 10 minutes
• A medium-sized open map full of deadly artillery and designed with the usage of cavalry in mind, both offensively and defensively
• A fort reachable only by three chokepoints: a natural crossing and two bridges, one of which is a pontoon bridge that can be built by an attacking sapper
• Plenty of open space for melee fights, an easy fort layout that allows both for easy offence and coordinated defence
• Defenders spawn inside buildings in order to avoid spawnkilling
• A leisure area inside the fort for non-combatant players
• Defenders: two swivel cannons (one behind the flag and another to the right of the flag, defending the crossing), two 12-pounder cannons (in front of the inner fort, defending the bridge crossings)
• Attackers: one howitzer (in the middle of the map, overlooking the middle bridge), two 12-pounder cannons (at the left and right edges of the map, overlooking the side crossing and the pontoon bridge)
• Defenders: The fort has two layers, and defenders should try to defend the outer layer for as long as possible. Holding on to the outer cannons is also crucial, since they can both cover the bridge crossings and act as necessary counter-batteries to the attacking artillery. Cavalry also plays an important role here, for their job is to catch the attacking cavalry that makes it through the first layer of defence. Once the attackers swarm the outer layer, defenders can still retreat and efficiently defend the inner fort as long as they hold the chokepoints and do not get overwhelmed by cavalry. Both the outer and inner layers of walls are destructible so countering the attacking artillery is a must for defenders.
• Attackers: Since there are only 3 crossings through which the fort can be taken, attackers must focus on attacking from all sides at once, putting pressure on the defenders and trying to snipe their artillery. Destroying enemy walls may also help the attackers quite a lot. However, their main tactic has to be trying to swarm and overwhelm the enemy with sheer numbers, firepower and melee prowess. They must utilize their superior artillery to put pressure on the defenders while the cavalry breaks through the lines and the infantry finish the job.
CUSTOM MAP 69 – Prison Break by Autumn (edited by Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/NDdFggU
Based on the map by the same name found in Mount&Blade: With Fire and Sword, this unorthodox map sees the attacking side try to break out of a prison and then lay siege to a ship by which they can leave the prison island. Defenders naturally have to try to prevent their escape and defend the ship. This medium-sized open map has been the sight of lots of gruesome deaths and mortal action in the past, and has now arrived to Napoleonic Wars where players can test their mettle, ingenuity and skill, trying to either escape the prison – or die preventing the riot.
Recommended pop: 40+
Recommended timer: 9 minutes
• An interesting concept of ship defence against a swarm of rioting prisoners of war – a completely unique and new experience for all players
• Plenty of open space for exciting artillery and action as well as fun melee fights
• A straightforward assault where attackers have to try to outflank the defenders from every possible direction
• The flag is on top of the mast of a ship, making it relatively easy to defend but also easy to shoot at from every direction
• A beautiful oriental landscape with arabesque architecture and stunning visuals
• A small leisure area for non-combatant players to hang out
• Defenders: one 12-pounder cannon (overlooking the harbour), one mortar (at the rear of the ship with the flag), one howitzer (on top of the lighthouse fort near the ship), one rocket artillery (to the left of the harbour)
• Attackers: one howitzer (in front of the prison building), one swivel cannon (to the left of the prison building, overlooking the flagship)
• Defenders: It is crucial for defenders to hold on to the flagship at all costs. Once it falls, they cannot reinforce it from the much more defensible lighthouse fort (which serves as the spawn point for most of the defenders). They can however utilize other defences around the ship, namely the artillery and the trench in the middle of the map. The fact that attackers must literally break out of the prison also gives defenders a slight edge in terms of ability to prepare and use their sappers to build up further defences. Despite all this, defenders cannot afford to overextend themselves too much, or else the attackers will swiftly and mercilessly capture the flag and sail away from the prison island.
• Attackers: The attacking side has to focus on breaking out of the prison as fast as possible, opening all 3 possible attack routes to outflank and swarm the defenders. Usage of both of their artillery pieces is a must, and they also have the ability to capture the rocket artillery at later stages of the siege. Time is of the essence, so attackers must act fast in order to be able to escape their prison and sail away to the seas.
CUSTOM MAP 72 – Mudwall by Marth - https://imgur.com/a/FBMZbZO
Based on a map by the same name in Mount&Blade: With Fire and Sword, this Napoleonic Wars recreation of Mudwall provides a challenging siege for attackers. The fort itself can be approached from multiple sides, but the stalwart defenders may be able to hold on till their last breath. Will the sound of rain and wet powder deter the attackers from taking the fort, or will the defences literally crumble and fall under the onslaught of enemies?
Recommended pop: 0-100
Recommended timer: 10 minutes
• A simple multi-layered fort design with two layers of walls in the middle area, both of which have a point that can be breached by the attacking artillery
• Siege ladders both on the front and the left side of the fort, and a tunnel on the right side for attackers through which they can access the fort
• Lots of artillery for both sides for such a small map
• A beautiful landscape with a great view at the Sun breaking out of the rainclouds over the fort
• An easily defensible flag area that can only be reached after a continuous and successful assault of the outer layer and side defences of the fort
• Defenders: four swivel cannons (two at each side gate, one at the front tower and one at the middle gate), one fort cannon (in front of the flag, on top of a house)
• Attackers: one 12-pounder cannon (in front of the breakable front wall), one howitzer (further back, on top of a hill), one rocket artillery (to the right side of the attacker spawn)
• Defenders: Since the fort consists of multiple layers and attackers have many sides to attack from, defenders have to delegate smaller forces to these chokepoints, especially focusing on the front wall. Once the first wall is breached, defenders can still hold out against the massive assault of attackers if they coordinate their defence. If all else fails, the area around the flag is small and easy to defend even with a small group of veteran soldiers.
• Attackers: Attackers must exploit the weaknesses of the fort by launching assaults from multiple sides under the cover of artillery. Their frontal cannons must break through the front and middle wall in order to provide a direct passage to the flag. Only by putting the defenders under constant pressure and attacking from all sides can the fort be successfully taken, so lots of grinding is needed in order to achieve victory here.
CUSTOM MAP 74 – Cape Trafalgar by Marth - https://imgur.com/a/CY3eWYc
The most famous cape in the history of Napoleonic Wars, this site is famous for the naval battle which saw the English fleet defeat the French fleet in action. However, a fort also stood atop the small peninsula of Trafalgar. This map features a multi-layered fort with multiple entrances, surrounded by a swarm of attackers waiting to seize the opportunity and capture Trafalgar once and for all.
Recommended pop: 60+
Recommended timer: 11 minutes
• A medium-sized wooden fort containing two layers of defences as well as 4 entranceways
• Lots of defender artillery centred around defending chokepoints, whereas the attacking artillery completely surrounds the fort
• A relatively safe uphill assault with lots of cover for attackers – until they try to scale the first wall
• The beautiful landscape of a Spanish peninsula (historical accuracy not included)
• Defenders: three swivel cannons (two at each side, one in the middle of the inner walls), one carronade cannon (overlooking one of the main entrances)
• Attackers: three mortars (two on the ship at the attacker spawn and one way back on the other side of the fort), one rocket artillery (behind the fort near the autumnal tree)
• Contested: one 12-pounder cannon (to the side breach of the fort, overlooking the attacker spawn)
• Defenders: The outer wall will fall quite easily, so defenders must focus on holding the inner walls using their artillery and superior firepower. They must be careful to defend both the walls and the inner courtyard. The inner walls provide cover to the courtyard and overlook the outer walls, whereas the courtyard is where the flag can be found – if that falls, everything else is lost. They will have a relatively easy time defending the walls, but once attackers scale up, problems start to arise. Defenders have to hold out on multiple sides for as long as possible, or die trying.
• Attackers: The outer wall can be swiftly taken by even a smaller group of attackers. Once inside the fort, there are two possible strategies: ignoring the walls and swarming the courtyard, or scaling up the walls in order to surround the courtyard and then charge in. Both are extremely difficult to pull off, so attackers will have to try a combination of these two strategies in order to win. The role of attacking artillery and sappers is crucial in this fight, but so is the skill of the attacking soldiers who will hopefully grind and fight to the bitter end to take the fort.
CUSTOM MAP 79 – Pioneer Village by Chad - https://imgur.com/a/0rSEoDP
Recommended pop: 0-60
Recommended timer: 8 minutes
A map based on the pioneer village of Salem, MA in North America, the way it used to look like back in the old days when the settlement was just a small colony. Famed for the Salem Witch Trials, this small but engaging map will prove a trial by combat for attackers and defenders alike.
• A small round-shaped fort with a river dividing it in the middle
• A two-storey church building where the flag can be found
• Many possible entrances into the fort complimented by two bigger chokepoints to defend
• Lots of historic village houses with different kinds of items inside
• View on an idyllic lake found near the village
• A beautiful forest landscape surrounding the village… with a dark, hidden secret somewhere (hint: follow the owls!)
Artillery: -
• Defenders: Since the outer walls are close to the attacker spawn, they should only be held for a limited time before they inevitably fall. However, the river bank and the church building both serve as excellent defensive positions, and they can easily be held with the help of sapperworks. Defenders do have to watch out for a rear assault as well though, which can make their situation a bit more difficult.
• Attackers: The attacking side should focus on capturing the walls and opening the front gate as soon as possible in order to be able to overwhelm the defences and eventually swarm the village buildings. They can also try a flanking manoeuvre from different sides, and they may eventually open the rear gate, thus surrounding the village from all fronts. After some grinding, the demoralized defenders will be overrun if attackers can keep up the offense and fight to the death.
We truly hope to see at least some of these maps on the server. Cheers and thank you for going through these, perhaps even reviewing them and leaving a comment - any constructive criticism or suggestions are appreciated.
![[Image: d438bda2ff979da5dec0bcefe56228418dd29864.gif]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9b5dcf3d144289b1a450a5ad1dc7fff0/6442f7cff002f039-8a/s500x750/d438bda2ff979da5dec0bcefe56228418dd29864.gif)