Ronnie Pickling[Approved] Meat Grinder and Gatekeeper - Ronnie_Pickling
Reward: Meat Grinder, Gatekeeper
Your in-game name: Ronnie_Pickling


Hello all, I'm a super aggressive and risky player and often, if not every game as attacker, I charge past enemies and straight to the flag or to kill all the reloaders, a lot of the players in the top 20 I could beat in melee and would be happy to prove it on EU duel, I often use chambering and block chambering and kicking people and nearly always fight as a Sailor and can fight with all weapons. You will occasionally see me at the top of the leaderboard if im really trying to get the kills up. In regard to gatekeeper I often charge out or find a way to sneak past and reclose the gate. This is the only game I play, played it for a decade, used to be phDeadlift, Ronnie Pickering and General Buttnaked but I always played for shits and giggles so have a terrible KD and usually not much time to play, hence poor stats. I played in the 45thN but wasn't as good then and hated groupfights and then the 1stEB.


I'm not really in the gamer scene so I have no videos or screenshots but Marth, Chad Thundercock, Txenda, Abu, R1vas (although he doesn like me), Chael Sonnon, Abu, maybe teddy McTedface, sausage, some of the sisters and Sarissa and a whole host of others would support me I believe.

Thanks guys, best game ever,

Ronnie P.
Okay so, think ive worked out screenshots - let me know if you can access these. Me reclosing the gate this evening.

I will continue to upload screenshots as I get more.

I can see your pictures. I will hold on however until some more evidence arrives in this thread. Don't be discouraged however, if you are doing this often and can prove it, we will give you the reward.

See you at the server
+1 for both. He regularly plays as a melee-focused player both in attack and defence - which I highly applaud - and I've seen him sally out and close gates as defender on several maps before.
[Image: d438bda2ff979da5dec0bcefe56228418dd29864.gif]
Another screenshot this evening. PS Berwhale and Callum could be added to the list of people I believe would support me. But for the record, I don't know any of those people and can't really ask them, you'll have to if you know them.
Since I don't remember player names very well, I don't remember how powerful a butcher Ronnie is bbut on this day when the server was crowded, I saw Ronnie at the top of the list many times. So I'm sure he's one of those scary butchers. +1

Screenshot from tonight with 130 players. Capable (and zero) saw me fight through to close it and I almost beat him defending it. I don't how long Ive got for these screenshots but I've got a lot of work this week, doubt ill play till next weekend.
Oh look at that. In the last screenshot that's literally me! Hey mom, grab the camera, i'm famous!
Jokes aside. This guy have great potential and he have shown to be a proper gatekeeper and meat grinder numerous times. I would invite him to join my Grand Armee but welp... He's a brit

Anyhow, +1 for both rewards
Cheers Napoleon, appreciate the support!

Managed to squeeze a quick game in tonight, it was a good map for retaking the gate. FYI the first one ended up being the end of that round as there was no defence in the tower where flag is, so it didn't help much and the second I had help with.

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