Greetings, Minisiege Players!
I am once again pleased to present to you some new maps as a part of the acclaimed "Operation Revival 2024" - hopefully bringing some more flavour and activity to Minisiege, this treasured community of ours.
I will present each map below, providing images and strategies both for defenders and attackers for effective and fun gameplay.
Map pack link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16YYy7mx...sp=sharing
Custom Map 42 - Vineyard (by Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/l2O1WBr
Lore: Inspired by The Witcher 3's Corvo Bianco, this elegant and idyllic vineyard now becomes the scene of a siege. Far from an ideal fort to defend, the defenders have assembled a few obstacles and fences to try and block the path of the assailants. The fight between two forces upon this sunny hillside manor will go down in history as one of the fiercest sieges ever fought.
Recommended pop: 0-80
Recommended timer: 11 minutes
Custom Map 45 - Oasis Fortress (by Autumn & Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/vZOaCr1
Lore: Once again a classic map from Mount&Blade: With Fire and Sword, revised for the needs of Napoleonic Wars. As the enlightened emir of this lone oasis decided to build a western style fort around his village, he did not know that his new lands would soon be beset by bandits - armed with cannons - ready to raid and conquer his possessions. The emir's soldiers are fierce, however, and they will do anything to defeat the invasion of renegades and crown their wise and gracious ruler as the new Lord of Oasis Fortress.
Recommended pop: 40+
Recommended timer: 11 minutes
Note: Cavalry is allowed on this map
Custom Map 46 - Black Pearl (by Jack Sparrow & Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/OPv47UI
Lore: Ahoy, ye land lubbers! Bringing you a map all the way back from 2013, yet again renewed and redesigned for Napoleonic Wars, this time we take to the high seas, seeing the legendary Black Pearl surrounded by a bunch of smaller ships belonging to the Royal Navy. The crew of Jack Sparrow must fight for their lives to defend the ship from being boarded in this sudden ambush. Will the heroic pirates of yore be able to hold off the assailants, or will the Black Pearl be lost to the waves of the sea?
Recommended pop: 0-60
Recommended timer: 8 minutes
Custom Map 49 - Cemetery Hill (by Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/ZtdDjhK
Lore: A map based on the Silent Hill series as well as The Witcher 1's last scene, this sp00ky map sees the defenders of the Sacred Church trying to defend their cemetery church from a band of attackers. The cemetery and the church itself both hold devilish secrets waiting to be exposed (most likely by artillery fire tearing down the church). Will the attackers be able to cleanse this cursed land or will they watch in horror as the Sacred Church acolytes triumph over them?
Recommended pop: 0-80
Recommended timer: 10 minutes
Custom Map 50 - Volcano (by Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/R7CMIcn
Lore: Demons have invaded our world through a newly active volcano! They are coming through the portal found within the heart of its crater, and every day they grow more numerous. Taking a deeper look inside, they have established an entire base of operations within the volcano crater, and will continue to grow their influence unless the portal is destroyed.
Recommended pop: 0-80
Recommended timer: 11 minutes
Cheers to everyone, and have a happy rest of the summer!
I am once again pleased to present to you some new maps as a part of the acclaimed "Operation Revival 2024" - hopefully bringing some more flavour and activity to Minisiege, this treasured community of ours.
I will present each map below, providing images and strategies both for defenders and attackers for effective and fun gameplay.
Map pack link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16YYy7mx...sp=sharing
Custom Map 42 - Vineyard (by Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/l2O1WBr
Lore: Inspired by The Witcher 3's Corvo Bianco, this elegant and idyllic vineyard now becomes the scene of a siege. Far from an ideal fort to defend, the defenders have assembled a few obstacles and fences to try and block the path of the assailants. The fight between two forces upon this sunny hillside manor will go down in history as one of the fiercest sieges ever fought.
Recommended pop: 0-80
Recommended timer: 11 minutes
- A secret underground passage into the vineyard's wine cellar
- Important points of interest for attacker artillery
- A ladder leading directly behind the defender spawns
- A beautiful and idyllic Mediterranean landscape to explore and fight through
- A small leisure area for non-combatants upon the hill
- Wine, lots and lots of wine!
- Defenders: two swivel cannons on top of the walls of the inner section of the fort
- Attackers: one rocket artillery upon the hill, one howitzer on the far right, one 12-pounder cannon in the middle
- Defenders: The outer wall will definitely fall within the first few minutes, so going too far out from spawn is definitely not worth it. Defenders may be able to hold on to the middle section for a further few minutes, delaying the attack as much as possible. It is imperative that they hold on to the inner section with the two swivel cannons, for if they lose those walls, the flag will be swarmed within seconds. Another huge advantage for defenders is the manor house which they can camp in - unless it gets destroyed by artillery bombardment.
- Attackers: Attackers must use their artillery and sappers to break through the different layers of the fort. Opening the left side portcullis gate is very important as it allows another way for attackers to access the fort. They may also use the secret tunnel to get behind enemy defences (provided they can find the entrance). Overall, an effective swarm from all sides and precise artillery shots will make even the most stalwart defenders lose heart.
Custom Map 45 - Oasis Fortress (by Autumn & Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/vZOaCr1
Lore: Once again a classic map from Mount&Blade: With Fire and Sword, revised for the needs of Napoleonic Wars. As the enlightened emir of this lone oasis decided to build a western style fort around his village, he did not know that his new lands would soon be beset by bandits - armed with cannons - ready to raid and conquer his possessions. The emir's soldiers are fierce, however, and they will do anything to defeat the invasion of renegades and crown their wise and gracious ruler as the new Lord of Oasis Fortress.
Recommended pop: 40+
Recommended timer: 11 minutes
Note: Cavalry is allowed on this map
- A beautiful oasis surrounded by an equally deadly desert
- LOTS of artillery pieces on both sides for guaranteed explosive fun
- A !cavalry map!
- An easily navigable fort that can primarily be accessed through a sole crossing
- The ability to use boats
- Drinkable water
- Roof campers (that can regardless be shot down quite easily)
- The best chance to relieve a classic siege map from 2014
- Defenders: Three swivel cannons located at the two front towers, one extra swivel cannon near the flag, one mortar on the roof of a house near the flag
- Attackers: Three 12-pounder cannons in the middle, left side and right side respectively, one mortar near the crossing, one howitzer on the opposite side of the fort
- Defenders: The fort can be defended quite effectively from all sides using the multi-layered walls and especially the four towers. Defenders should try to sally out with cavalry as much as possible in order to delay the attackers, and possibly to even kill their artillery players. Even if the outer walls fall, the inner sanctum and the flag position itself is quite easy to defend if done correctly. Sappers and artillerists will be invaluable for this defence to be a success, as will the skill of melee players when it comes to defending the several chokepoints around the flag area.
- Attackers: The fort is surrounded by artillery from all sides, so the most effective way to assault it is after some heavy artillery bombardment. Multiple breaches in the walls and effective use of attacking cavalry will lead to the defenders crumbling on multiple fronts, which can then be followed up by a strong assault on the flag area.
Custom Map 46 - Black Pearl (by Jack Sparrow & Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/OPv47UI
Lore: Ahoy, ye land lubbers! Bringing you a map all the way back from 2013, yet again renewed and redesigned for Napoleonic Wars, this time we take to the high seas, seeing the legendary Black Pearl surrounded by a bunch of smaller ships belonging to the Royal Navy. The crew of Jack Sparrow must fight for their lives to defend the ship from being boarded in this sudden ambush. Will the heroic pirates of yore be able to hold off the assailants, or will the Black Pearl be lost to the waves of the sea?
Recommended pop: 0-60
Recommended timer: 8 minutes
- The legendary ship Black Pearl in all its glory - fully furnished, decked out and ready for action
- An immersive ship boarding scenario which provides an interesting challenge for both sides
- All the booty of the high seas, yarrr
- An entire area below deck dedicated to the sailors, which includes a prison, kitchen, crew's quarters and more
- A captain's cabin with an exciting view over the nearby land
- A ton of cannons out of which only 6 are worth using
- Seaworthy ships all around, yarrr
- And more yarrr
- Defenders: A ton of naval artillery which will likely be useless in this bombarding situation, two swivel cannons on each side of the flag position, two mortars
- Attackers: Two mortars on a ship separate from the main group of ships - you must use one of the boats to get to them
- Defenders: The pirate crew must try to hold the attackers at bay at the 4(5) boarding spots, shooting and stabbing them as they try to climb up the ladders. These spots will eventually fall though, at which point the defenders must retreat towards the flag and fully commit to defending the flag area. The use of sapperworks and defending artillery will most likely ensure that the pirates will be able to hold onto their ship and all their stolen booty.
- Attackers: The soldiers of the Royal Navy must try to assault the pirate ship from as many directions as possible, even utilizing their small boats to get behind the ship. Once the outer layer of defence falls, attackers will have to concentrate on taking the flag position by using swarm tactics to try and get up on the upper deck.
Custom Map 49 - Cemetery Hill (by Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/ZtdDjhK
Lore: A map based on the Silent Hill series as well as The Witcher 1's last scene, this sp00ky map sees the defenders of the Sacred Church trying to defend their cemetery church from a band of attackers. The cemetery and the church itself both hold devilish secrets waiting to be exposed (most likely by artillery fire tearing down the church). Will the attackers be able to cleanse this cursed land or will they watch in horror as the Sacred Church acolytes triumph over them?
Recommended pop: 0-80
Recommended timer: 10 minutes
- A sp00ky cemetery hill to be littered with more corpses very, very soon
- A foggy swampy map that pretty much combines the advantageous parts of Sp00ky Mansion and Sp00ky Farm
- A destructible wooden church filled with believers of a dark cult - and their most discrete secrets
- A bridge chokepoint which attackers can still easily go around but it's not that obvious
- A secret tunnel that leads under the church which isn't obvious either
- Much, much fun to be had - now THIS is obvious!
- Owl noises
- The defender arty can snipe the attackers who can snipe the defender arty from the rooftop that may be sniped by defender riflemen who in turn may be sniped by the attacker artillery
- A horror themed map straight out of a Stephen King novel
- Defenders: two swivel cannons on each side of the upper floor of the church, one mortar on the left side of the church
- Attackers: one mortar on the far left isle (aptly named Mortar Isle), one howitzer on the far right side
- Neutral: one 12-pounder cannon found in the middle (will likely be taken by attackers a minute or two in)
- Defenders: So long as they do not leave the inner sanctum, the defenders can hold the church for a long time before the walls inevitably crumble. At that point they will have to fight inside the church in a bloody massacre, so it is up to their skill and mettle to try and hold out for as long as possible.
- Attackers: Attackers must try to utilize their superior artillery to make several breaches in the walls surrounding the church - or use their sappers to build access points over them. Whichever way they do it, once the outer walls fall, the church itself will still provide a hard challenge to take, unless it gets properly swarmed and destroyed from all sides.
Custom Map 50 - Volcano (by Marth) - https://imgur.com/a/R7CMIcn
Lore: Demons have invaded our world through a newly active volcano! They are coming through the portal found within the heart of its crater, and every day they grow more numerous. Taking a deeper look inside, they have established an entire base of operations within the volcano crater, and will continue to grow their influence unless the portal is destroyed.
Recommended pop: 0-80
Recommended timer: 11 minutes
- An active volcano with a lava lake to fight over - a never before seen setting on Minisiege
- An elaborate system of multi-layered defences all leading up to a single flag position
- Chains which you can walk across, climb or descend
- Hot and molten lava to further compliment this hot summer
- An entire feast hall serving as the defender spawn
- A fantasy map setting reminiscent of the Inferno town from Heroes of Might & Magic
- Mount Doom - that's not the name of the map, but it will inevitably be your doom if you play here
- You can probably throw a ring (or even yourself) into that volcano
- Also if you do it properly, you will be able to walk on lava
- Fire and blood!
- Defenders: three swivel cannons (one on top of the defender spawn, one to the left side of the flag and one right at the flag position)
- Attackers: one mortar to the left side of the main gate
- Neutral: one rocket artillery (will likely be taken by attackers within the first few minutes)
- Defenders: The demons must use their superior firepower to keep the invaders at bay. The map itself is quite open for shooting and especially for the usage of artillery. If sappers block off the various chokepoints effectively, the demons can maintain a defence that can last for several minutes. They must be careful not to lose the portcullis gate, however, unless they want their spawn to be taken by the attackers.
- Attackers: Although there are 3 main ways to approach the flag, smart usage of all of them at the same time will result in a clear victory for them. The fort is layered in a way, so if attackers can take and hold a layer successfully, they can slowly but surely advance to the next one. If executed well enough, defences will crumble, the flag will be taken, and the demon portal will be destroyed.
Cheers to everyone, and have a happy rest of the summer!
![[Image: d438bda2ff979da5dec0bcefe56228418dd29864.gif]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9b5dcf3d144289b1a450a5ad1dc7fff0/6442f7cff002f039-8a/s500x750/d438bda2ff979da5dec0bcefe56228418dd29864.gif)