carlosdelsol[Pending] Ban Request - White_Lives_Matter
Offenders in-game name: White_Lives_Matter
Your GUID / Name in-game (optional): Bodyguard
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY):  Since i started playing Warband again, June.
Their Crime: Toxicity, slander, delaying, chat spamming, ramboing.
Evidence: Logs.

This guy together with gogo4000, bacon, Herbert420 and a few kids seem to have put a target on the server seems most of the time has no admin on and people play somewhat seriously on it. So a great place to troll, you cannot troll on Tropical_Paradise since no one is serious there. (other thread should be done about Herbert420 but i think they are all the same way with different keys)

Toxicity: This guy clogs the chat with his insults and screams, always insulting enemy team when winning and degrading it's own when losing. Interacting with other toxic kids in orther to insult and push down normal people playing the server. It is incredible disgusting and creates more people like him and normal people leaves the server.

Slander: when a player performs a good manouver on him he makes him a target for trolls to call him every name imaginable and gasligh this person while at the same time screaming in every chat insulting it's own players.

If he has a target on you will grief your round by retreating from you while being on your same team and screaming about it on chat.

Delaying: will allways try to delay as much as possible with his unit pretending to be AFK if the timer is on his favour. If not he just plainly runs away from the fight to make draws.

Ramboing: With cav he will pretend to be another cavalry unit and kill all units he can and once he dies he leaves the server.

I've never seen somone last so long on this server being this disgusting and it spawns more people like him, mainly because they are all on the same discord groups. This is why the conversations that they have on chat seem so fake, they pretend they don't know each other while praising each other but they are just  ruining normal people days while laughing like rats on their voice chats.
Hello calosdelsol,

this case is under review.



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