Your in-game name (and other pseudos): (ghost _rider) (mr_medo) (shevio)
GUID: 2401312
Steam URL: you may find that i play from 2022 thats right cus i was using deffrent steam account 2013 to 2021 sadly its gone but the memory of my childhold in the game and throuh my growing with it didnt gonenull
Country and region: egypt-portsiad
Spoken language(s): arabic-English
Current age: 22
Admin experience: i once was admin in server role play napoleon from 2016 to 2018
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): sadly cus it was so long i dont have but all i remeber that the server everytime i join says good morning mr medo ah what was great times
Why do you want to become admin?: i play the game from 2013 until now and from 2022 until now i found my self that i spent a lot of time in the server people know me and love me i respeact every one not gona lieĀ i was rule breaker a rambo but i got my punish and learend from it and became more lovely person I want to be an admin to punish and kick the people who insult and control the rule breakers, such as rambo and delayers and afk mantian the good moral for all and make the server injoyable for all and make a events so more people would injoy and comes more
GUID: 2401312
Steam URL: you may find that i play from 2022 thats right cus i was using deffrent steam account 2013 to 2021 sadly its gone but the memory of my childhold in the game and throuh my growing with it didnt gonenull
Country and region: egypt-portsiad
Spoken language(s): arabic-English
Current age: 22
Admin experience: i once was admin in server role play napoleon from 2016 to 2018
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): sadly cus it was so long i dont have but all i remeber that the server everytime i join says good morning mr medo ah what was great times
Why do you want to become admin?: i play the game from 2013 until now and from 2022 until now i found my self that i spent a lot of time in the server people know me and love me i respeact every one not gona lieĀ i was rule breaker a rambo but i got my punish and learend from it and became more lovely person I want to be an admin to punish and kick the people who insult and control the rule breakers, such as rambo and delayers and afk mantian the good moral for all and make the server injoyable for all and make a events so more people would injoy and comes more