SAES>DROT[Approved] Grobputina - Trolling, delaying, ramboing
Offenders in-game name: Grobputina
Your GUID / Name in-game (optional): x
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 
Their Crime: Trolling, delaying, ramboing as cav. Kept riding around on horseback for over 8 minutes as the last person alive, avoided combat, hid behind rocks, ignored everyone who told him in chat that it's against the rules and kept going. Absolutely intentional trolling behavior. Needless to say everyone was annoyed and he made some people quit.
I was there as well and can confirm the listed behaviour.
Good morning SAES>DROT & Maw_03,

I apologize for the delayed response, The player in question has minimal punishment history & seems to behave when an admin is on the server. The logs do not show a clear picture of what happened. This request will be placed in pending, The player will be monitored. All future negative interactions you have with this player should be reported in this thread until it is closed preferably with photo or video evidence. Going forward please include a date & time in your ban requests this can help a lot!

Hello Coffe.

For the reference, this occured 5-10 minutes before the report was submitted. While the logs for whatever reason might not show what you're looking for, the images in the imgur album should clearly show that he was the last player alive on his team for at least 5 minutes (as seen in the scoreboard image at 7:28) and was since actively running away from enemies and hiding behind objects up until 2:20 while also not dismounting. These images alone with the clock displayed should in my opinion be plenty enough to prove that in the very least he broke the delaying rule as well as the rambo/dismounting rule.

That aside, if I happen to witness him doing something similar again I'll be adding more images to this thread as requested.
Good morning SAES>DROT,

After observing the player over the following days it is clear he both knows the rules & chooses to ignore them, You request has been accepted & thank you for your patience.


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