[1erTrl] LeBlond[Rejected] Application Minisiege LeBlond
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): 1er_Trl_Cpl_LeBlond / LeBlond
GUID: 1200463
Steam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090001998/
Country and region: South of the France
Spoken language(s): French / English
Current age: 19 yo
Admin experience: I use to be an minisiege admin but my PC was broken and you kick me out of the staff for unactivity
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): i was admin 2 years ago i think in minisiege
Why do you want to become admin?: because i play this server everyday and i loved the time when i was an admin, i'm also glad to help the players Smile 
Your application is noted and is under review, we'll get back to you once a decision has been made.
We will observe your behaviour and activity for the next 2 weeks. We will contact you in due time about your application.
ok thanks Smile
Denied due to inactivity, hasn't played since the 13th.

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