DreamyBoy[Rejected] Minisiege Admin Appclication
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): Premix
GUID: 1884359
Steam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Premix9/
Country and region: Poland, Kalisz
Spoken language(s): English, Polish
Current age: 17
Admin experience:I used to be an administrator on 2 smaller servers
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): some owners and friends on discord
Why do you want to become admin?:  [url=https://pl.pons.com/t%C5%82umaczenie/angielski-polski/I'd][/url]I'd like to be an admin because I'd like to try my hand at a bigger server. I'm a responsible person and I do everything sensibly. My dream is to be an admin on the Minisiege. I love the community of this server and the whole administration team. Sometimes it even advertises the server on my ig (1. 5k). playing on this server gives me a lot of fun and desire to help other players. Hope for a chance <3
Hi Premix,

Your application is noted and is under review. We'll get back to you once a decision has been made.

In the meanwhile, could you please tell us how much you have played on our server during the last 3 months?
[Image: MZDXOYq.png]
I turn on the computer every free minute of my life and play the minisiege. This is my favorite server with the community.
With only 57 kills and 130 deaths (In the last 3 months), we don't think you have been active enough for us to give you an observation period, we believe potential admins need to have lots of experience in the server in order to understand how we wish our admins to act. Feel free to reapply in the future when you have been more active.

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