camm15elbe[Rejected] Minisiege Admin application
Your in-game name (and other pseudos):2Lr_Gem_Camm15elbe, Camm15elbe,nicht_Camm
Steam URL:
Country and region: Germany, Hamburg
Spoken language(s): German, English
Current age: 21
Admin experience: A few mod servers, smaller nw servers
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): , [2Lr]Eisbär
Why do you want to become admin?: I would like to be an admin, because I like the minisiege server and I want to make minisiege to a server, without people who a breaking rules, so everyone has fun.
Camm für admin xD. (Er ist nett)
We will observe your behavior and activity for the next 2 weeks.
ok thx Big Grin
+1, he is a funny guy even if I don't always see him on. Oh wait wrong twin sorry.
Observation period will be extended for a week.
His trial period has begun. Best of luck!
Denied for inactivity during the trial period.

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