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reekreek266[Closed] Unban
It's been stated to you in our last reply to your unban request, over discord and over steam, that we don't want you in our community or on our servers.
That hasn't changed and judging by your discord messages neither have you.

All bans will remain.

Ok but why not? Some people got permanently banned three times and then got yet another chance.

Let's assume that I deserved my ban, which I really did not. But okay.
This was my first ban. Shouldn't I be given a second chance because it's fair?
And what messages are you talking about? I was only sending private messages. None of them addressed to you. So you basically read my private messages, is that right?
And no. None of them were insulting, I wasn't spamming etc. I just asked one or two questions. Sorry if that's a crime in your book.

Seems like I am not the only one though. This kind of a thing seems to be happening all over the online communities in all games. It is just sad because you know, I thought this server was moderated by adults, not by kids like in Call of Duty or Battlefield.
And even on this server there are a lot of people that got wronged by admins. I am not the only one.

It is really sad but well.

The reason I was applying for unbans even after being told that I will not is because I took you for someone smart. Like there really were some rules on this server that are there to make playing the game an enjoyable experience. However I was wrong. You are just a loser moron on a power trip. You really should get off your high horse.
You are just a loser thinking he's important and banning people that didn't deserve it without even having a fucking courtesy to let them speak. Lol, the one time I sent you a discord priv you told me that: "I will reply to your message tomorrow morning", to which I said okay cool. But the next morning I saw that instead of replying you just banned me from Discord. So yeah.
I don't think it's me that needs to change. I think it's you.
I can only change for the worse and I am not going to. I mean come the fuck on! A loser 18 year old telling ME that I need to change. Not even funny. Just fucking cringe.

As I said, the only reason I kept coming back is because I really and truly believed that I somehow deserved that ban. I mean we are all humans and we all make mistakes. But when I asked you to point out my mistakes to me you did not do it. Even now.
Which makes me 100% sure that I didn't really do that much, if anything, to deserve the treatment that you gave me, and that you are the one at fault here. Because if I were then you would be specific.
Anyway. I see Cookie is an admin again as well as Krembit. The former being an abusive prick posting his picture with some girl in his Discord avatar to... gain popularity among losers online? I guess? To kind of make people here like him more? Well whatever. And the latter being a toxic kid + a regular teamhitter. So yeah. Your behaviour + your choice of admins speak volumes of who you really are and it's sad but what can I do.

In case he didn't delete this message: guys, there is nothing that can be done about people like him. At the end of the day, he is almost like an owner and can do whatever he wants. He makes it look like he is professional and all, but really he's just an asshole doing however he likes, kind of like Joffrey in Game of Thrones. But he is not a king in real life, there he is a pathetic loser, so he has to get that kind of a thrill here, online, where no one can punch him in the mouth for being the idiot he is.
He can do however he likes, unfortunately. And we can't do jack shit about it.
Other than leave and make the server a ghost town.

I was one of the people who really considered donating to the server, even after unfair slays by Cookie. But they proved it again and again how much they don't deserve that support.
So if you have been mistreated by them too: just leave the server. Let them stew in their own juice. Nothing more we can do.
Mate, your completely deluded and I'm starting to be worried about your mental health. How you don't understand why we want nothing to do with you is beyond me but let me try once again even though it will be futile, read your post again, how much you insulted me, my admins then times that by a dozen over the course of months, then there is the harassment of two people (A criminal offense btw) and you have the nerve to call anyone abusive?

You my friend need help, professional help and I hope you get it one day.

Take your own advice, leave because you're never being unbanned.

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