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RealNutcase[Approved] ADMIN APP
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): RealNutcase
GUID: 1133418
Steam URL:
Country and region: The Netherlands
Spoken language(s): English, little german and Dutch of course
Current age: 41
Admin experience: Long, long time ago I had run a NW server on an home pc. Did run it for half a year, but than used the pc for running an other server for the game life is feudal.
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): I do not know any that is active on steam to confirm the experience.
Why do you want to become admin?: Because I see sometimes people using bad language or disrespecting behaviour to follow the server rules about Rambo cav/commander. I play very often on the server with people like warclever and other familiar names. It is fun when playing like intended, but sometimes there are players that are calling names to others and such. I did years of reenactment and this is the game I play for years now. Best mod is still the commander mod for me. Hope to have many more years of fun playing this and can not wait for a Napoleontic bannerlord mod.
Hello RealNutcase,

Your application is noted and under review! We'll get back to you once a decision has been made.

EUC Admin Team
Hello Admin team,

Thanks for the reply and concideration to help the team out with the server. I will await your decision.

Greetings and see you on the battlefield perhabs!
Was wondering if someone ever tried to set up commander battle events for the community.

Something like a few battles in row with the same factions over more than one map. (I would call it campaign event or something)
Discord page could be used to inform players about it and let them choose factions (teams) upfront. Also they can pick a role (arty, cavalry or infantry).
I would use a little set-up change to give it more realism of a battle. Lets say the fight can go over 2 maps (or more if this is fun and works). Depending on who will win. (next idea is something I hope is possible in a pre-set up)

Each Campaign battle will take 3 wins to break trough to the next map and eventually victory.

Round 1 on map 1. All units are available, but arty and cav has some limits depending on how many players join the event.
Round 2 on map 1. The Faction that won round 1 has an advantage. They can use 1 cav and 1 arty extra. The faction that lost round 1 lost provisions and has 1 cav and 1 arty less to use.
Round 3 (or later round 5) will be all or nothing for the Faction that lost both battles. No arty to use for the Faction that has lost two rounds! Also cavalry is limited to one unit. (with two lost battles provisions are lost as well) Also half the ammo for the Faction that lost (provisions) two rounds. (expect a quick round with a desperate charging Faction to safe all).
Round 4 At least both Faction has lost some provisions when reaching round 4. So rules of round 2 and round 3 are applied here to both Factions, since they both lost at least 1 Battle.
Round 5 Final Battle when reaching this! Both lost almost all supplies, so half ammo to work with and no arty for both sides. Cavalry is limited as well (if possible)

After the first campaign battle the map will change to a Faction map of the loosing side. (invasion has started). Same rules for the batlle as for previous map.

Only true victory will be reached when a Faction wins on both maps used. If first battle is victorious for your faction, but if the second battle is lost the war is a tie. Both armies will need to wait untill next event since so many man and materials are lost for both battles.

Like I said this is an idea wich I had and I do not know if it is possible or wanted by the players. Discord could be used to see if commander players are into such kind of events.

Greetings RealNutcase.
Hello RealNutcase,

please move this post into the EU_Commander "Server Discussion" area Smile.

Thanks T.
Can you also check your invite request on Steam? You haven't added me yet.

Greetings Mask.
Hello RealNutcase,

Your application has been accepted! You will be contacted by one of the Senior Admins for the further notice. What we want you to do now is be regularly active on the server and website, and show a proper admin conduct, so we could decide if you are fit to be admin.

That said, your first testing phase has begun, and you will be notified of our decision when the one is made.

EUC Admin Team

- When joining Discord, use either your steam name or your application name, so we could recognize you. Ingame at EU_Commander please use only your name that you have specified in your application and no pseudos.

Discord Server:

- Activity on the server:

1. We don't require you to be active 24/7. We only want to see you consistently active.
2. Staying in spectator and not doing anything on the server won't count as acceptable activity so try to play the game.

- Bumping and contacting admins: Do not bump this thread and don't try to rush our decision, it will have negative effects on it. If you have any questions about the rules or anything else, ask any of the senior admins via Steam or Discord.
Good day Real,

After completing the first phase, you advance towards the Trial phase. Congratulations!

Keep up the work, be active and show good behaviour.

EUC Admin Team
Good day RealNutCase,

After succesfully completing your trial phase you have been ACCEPTED to Commander Battle Admin!

Congratulations and keep up the work!

EUC Admin Team

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