JcanVybez[Closed] Complaint against LeBob
Your in-game name: Black_Lives_Matter
Your GUID:1593114
Your Steam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048643114/
Name of the admin: LeBobSponge
What happened: Muted my character without warning, adding bots, skins, etc to the 2nd round of Custom map 6 and not letting the maps play both rounds before making the change.
When did this happen: 8:45 9/4/2020 CEST
Proof (Screenshot, witness, logs): Lordiex, Badgirl
Additional comments: While altering the map, especially custom map 6 is a rather minor point as the admin rules regarding that likely have changed, I do not believe a player can be punished, especially muted, without escalating the situation per admin guidelines ( Warn, slay, etc ). I would like my character unmuted and I would like to be informed about the modern guideline regarding adding bots etc to maps mid map. 
I'm looking into this, however, you are not muted on Minisiege and I cannot find anything in the logs to suggest that you were muted at all.

I will reply when I have a conclusion on the rest of this.
Regarding bots and special events, this is something only Senior Admins can do, and are only done by Sam (The admin in question here who was using a different name). He does these to try and create fun experiances and try new things at times. We allow this as it allows us to experiment with new ideas for things which may improve the server as a whole or as rare special events just for people to have fun.

We are aware, however, that not everyone enjoys these and so we've had a discussion and there will be more consultation with the community and admins as well as annoucments and polls to make sure that the people that don't want these and just want to play normal Minisiege have the option to say No.

We're not going to outright prevent these from happening because as I said, it's valuable testing to make constant improvements to Minisiege.
My bad about the muting, I mistakenly thought he had muted me before resetting the map. Important to Note: If I knew it was Sam I wouldn't have posted this, I would have spoken with him directly regarding the special events and making changes mid map or with custom map 6. Obviously I am not an admin anymore and carry no authority whatsoever, I have more respect for Sam and the Miniseige admin team than it may seem.
I hope to talk with Sam privately about the complaint. Feel free to delete this thread/ consider it closed.

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