MONGOLIA-FRANCE-59[Rejected] Unban
Your in-game name :  Mongolian_In_France 
Your GUID : 1958603
Date and hour of your ban - IDK
Reason for your ban: I replied badly to "Merkel" giving a kick, because he was very rude but i regret a lot just after this idiot action from me. 
Write your apology: I'm very sorry to not control my emotions like an idiot. If you unban me for a last chance, You will never see bad things from me, I swear on my Honor, if I break rule once again put me on Black List with 0% to be unban. Please let me last chance.
You have already had your last chance. After we gave it to you, it took less than a month until we had to ban you again because you trolled the arty and insulted other players. Therefore your unban request is denied.
poor boi got dabbed on
I didn't insult other players ... I asked to arty if he was agree to share he said " Fuck off " despite a simple "no"... I did not troll arty ... The admin was Cookie ask him.
Quote:I didn't insult other players ...

You wrote this at the server:
22:48:45 - [MONGOLIAN_IN_FRANCE] nique ta mere sale boche , casque a pointe va
22:49:56 - [MONGOLIAN_IN_FRANCE] merkel sale putain de gauchiste

Translated it looks like this: 
fuck your mother dirty german, helmet with spike goes
merkel dirty fucking leftist

After you trolled Merkel, you wrote that to him, which are pretty clear insults.

Quote:I asked to arty if he was agree to share he said " Fuck off " despite a simple "no"... I did not troll arty ... The admin was Cookie ask him.
Noone has to share the arty. This first person to an arty piece decides whether they want other people to use it with them. Merkel declined and you trolled him. And about asking Cookie whether you trolled the arty. This speaks for themselves, doesn't it ?

22:48:18 - [SERVER]: Cookie Slayed Player MONGOLIAN_IN_FRANCE.
22:48:21 - *Admin*[Cookie]: dont troll arty

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