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CorpsNDog[Rejected] Admin Application
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): CorpsNDog, 13thFL_CorpsNDog

GUID: 2122296

Steam URL:

Country and region: US, California

Spoken language(s): English

Current age: 18

Admin experience: None for NW yet but I've built up a small subreddit from around 400 members to 1.2 thousand in nine months.

Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): [b]r/WorldConqueror4 Assuming this backs up my claim of experience.[/b]

Why do you want to become admin?: Commander battle is the main reason I play NW when I’m not doing events and when I play, admins aren’t there to enforce the rules that are often broken so I’d like to help make it a better experience for everyone and keep numbers up. I’m sure the no admins part is because I just come on at an odd time since I’m in the US and the commander battle is for the EU. I usually play it when I see that it has players in-game but I don’t see it having players usually which I’d like to help change.
Hello CorpsNDog,

Your application is noted and under review! We'll get back to you once a decision has been made.

By checking out the logs you haven't been active enough in the month of September and October. I advice you to play a couple of more weeks and try again.

EUc admin Team.

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