Gedenking[Approved] Slowgeden Admin Application
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): Slowgeden
GUID: 276605
Steam URL:
Country and region: England, Herts
Spoken language(s): English (a little spanish)
Current age: 23
Admin experience: Previous admin for Minsiege (can't remember the exact date)
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): It's been a while so I cant remember any of the other admins on minsiege, but it should be recorded somewhere that I was an admin.
Why do you want to become admin?: I have a lot of free time at the moment and I would like to spend part of that getting back into M&B and especially helping out on the Minisiege server. I have experience of being an admin and just general game experience. I always enjoy getting rid of the trolls and just all around bafoons, so that everyone can enjoy the great experiance of Minisiege.
Hey Slowgeden, good to see you back around! Your application is noted and is under review. We'll get back to you once a decision has been made.
We will observe your activity and behaviour for the next 2 weeks.
That's all recieved.
Slowgeden's trial period has begun. Good luck!
+1 Fast Track :*
Slowgeden has completed his trial period and is a full Minisiege Admin. Congratulations and welcome back!

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