MR.BUNNYHOOPER[Rejected] Unban
Your in-game name (your name at the time of the ban/mute): ?
Your GUID (optional): 1863498
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): ??/??/2020
Reason for your ban: trolling
Write your apology: Hello so, ı have been banned from the mini siege server. I can't exactly remember when ı have been banned but it's been several months ı think. I have done something that ı shouldn't have done ''trolling''. I entered the mini siege server ı don't know the map's name but it was covered in sand and there was a fort. Anyway, ı joined the attackers and I have chosen the sapper class and played like a normal player for some time . But after ı started playing like a anormal player and ı placed several  tnts into the tunnel and ignite it them and got perm banned . By the way ı live in Turkey and the government was very strict towards corona virus at that time and didn't give permission to people under age 20 ( ı am 19 :/) to get out of their home. So basically, ı was at my home the entire day ! I have been at my home more than a month and ı was very bored and this boredness triggered this foolish act .I am feeling truly sorry for trolling , admins.

Have a nice day  Shy dear reader !

You have been banned twice from Minisiege on 2019, the fact that you were somehow allowed on Minisiege again and get banned... again, shows me that you've never learned. You now have 3 permanent bans in total, and 10 slays with the recent ban. You're total number of punishments throughout Minisiege is far greater.

You will remain banned from Minisiege, permanently.

- Loifas

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