[KGR]Kaiser Otto[Approved] Admin Application
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): [b]Kaiser_Otto, 5tesKGR_Gren_Kaiser_Otto[/b]
GUID: [b]2093765[/b]
Steam URL: [b]https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198851843100/[/b]
Country and region: [b]Germany, Saxony[/b]
Spoken language(s): [b]German and English[/b]
Current age: [b]17[/b]
Admin experience: Moderator on a Discord-Server, except this, nothing
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): /
Why do you want to become admin?: [b]Im playing for a long time on your Server, Minisiege. I hold close contact with Acker, so I had a look in the admin-job, see the struggle sometimes, when no Admin is online, so no one can stop the trollings. I want to bring that - as good as we can united – to an end. Im playing a lot in times, when no Admin is online. If I would be Admin then, there surely will be a lot lower trollings than if im not. Im willing to learn, to improve my knowledge and skill, to assist you even better.

[b]Thank you for your attention,[/b]

Your application is noted and under review.
Hi Kaiser Otto, we will observe your activity and behaviour for the next 2 weeks.
Kaiser Otto's trial period has begun. Good luck!
+1 He is a nice guy much love Smile
Kaiser Otto has completed their trial period and is now a full Minisiege Admin. Congratulations!

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