Offenders in-game name: GOD
Your GUID / Name in-game (optional): Zorbag_The_Teamkiller
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 21/03/2021 - 13h45 UTC
Their Crime: Stealing arty and trolling arty. We were on a fort map, where the attacker cannon is at front inside the castle, near the ladder. He was kicking me from the cannon and managing me to get shot. He will put himself in front of the cannon too...And eventually i got killed two times because of him...And i eneded up loosing the cannon to he ruined my game as arty... Sadly no admins was online when it happened. Other players attested that he was trolling them too.
Evidence: I tried to take some screenshots when i realise there was no admins on, you can just see he was trying to kick me from the cannon, check log please...
Your GUID / Name in-game (optional): Zorbag_The_Teamkiller
Date and hour of your ban/mute (UTC/GMT) - (DD/MM/YY): 21/03/2021 - 13h45 UTC
Their Crime: Stealing arty and trolling arty. We were on a fort map, where the attacker cannon is at front inside the castle, near the ladder. He was kicking me from the cannon and managing me to get shot. He will put himself in front of the cannon too...And eventually i got killed two times because of him...And i eneded up loosing the cannon to he ruined my game as arty... Sadly no admins was online when it happened. Other players attested that he was trolling them too.
Evidence: I tried to take some screenshots when i realise there was no admins on, you can just see he was trying to kick me from the cannon, check log please...