[77y] joshyboyy[Approved] Admin Application
Your in-game name (and other pseudos): 77y_CN_Joshyboyy
Steam URL:https://steamcommunity.com/id/Joshyboyy1/
Country and region: United Kingdom, England 
Spoken language(s): English 
Current age: 18
Admin experience: Miniseige 
Voucher to confirm your admin experience (include Steam URL of the voucher): Highlord
Why do you want to become admin?: I have played Mount and blade for 3 years and have played on this server for the most of it. I have been an admin before and would like to help out with the trolling and rule breakers.

Nah, he kills me too often in game.

+1 - never had a bad experience with him yet.
Hi Joshy,

Thank you for your admin application.
Since this is your 5th time applying for an admin position after previous inactivity removals, I will be increasing your initial observation period from 2 weeks, to 1 month.
I would like to see that you are dedicated to becoming an admin in minisiege and want to admin our server for the foreseeable future.

Therefore, we will observe your activity and behaviour for the next month (23/04/2021).

All the best,
- Loifas
Thank you for the opportunity. I have 4 12 hour shifts coming up and I may not be on some days but I’ll try
Joshyboyy's trial period has begun. Good luck!
Joshyboyy has completed their trial period and is now a full Minisiege Admin. Welcome back!

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